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Creating API in Auth0 portal

Oleg Burov edited this page May 20, 2018 · 6 revisions

An Auth0 API will represent the Web API (green box) and allow use of Auth0 for accepting and responding to protected resource requests made by applications.

Step 1: Create Auth0 API

To create Auth0 API, log in to Auth0 Dashboard at the URL Then go to the section APIs at the right menu. Click the button + Create API.

After a new application is created, switch to the tab Scopes.

Step 2: Add Scopes

In the tab Scopes, add the following scopes for Web API, which will behave as access rights for different endpoints.

Name Description
read:repositories View existent repositories.
create:repositories Create new repositories.
update:repositories Edit existent repositories.
delete:repositories Delete existent repositories.

After scopes are created, switch to the tab Settings.

Step 3: Copy Identifier

In the tab Settings, copy and save value of the field Identifier. You will need it for the next step.

  • Identifier:


You've now created a Auth0 API, which will protect API endpoints using the Access Token. In the following tutorial, you'll learn how to create ASP.NET Core API and configure it to use Auth0.

What's next?

Setting up ASP.NET Core Web API