(Backend Developer)
- 🌱 I'm currently learning Smart Contract development with Foundry Toolkit and Solidity
- 👯 I am willing to collaborate and enjoy working with teams to achieve a given task
- 💬 Ask me about Backend Systems, Smart Contracts, Microservices, Serverless, and Security
- 📫 How to reach me:
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/obinna-franklin-duru/ - ⚡ Fun fact: Always open to new ideas
LottoGenesis: LottoGenesis is a decentralized lottery system on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring transparency and security through smart contracts. It uses Chainlink VRF for randomness and Chainlink Keepers for automation. Participants enter the lottery, and at defined intervals, a random winner receives the prize pool.
EthFund: EthFund smart contract is a decentralized funding platform that allows users to contribute Ether (ETH) to a project or individual. It uses Chainlink price feeds to ensure contributions meet a minimum USD threshold and leverages OpenZeppelin's libraries for secure smart contract development on the Ethereum blockchain..
Online Marketplace Backend System: Designed to power a dynamic online marketplace, enabling seamless buying and selling experiences. Utilizes Node.js, AWS Services, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker, Serverless Framework, and JWT for secure authentication.
NASA Mission Control Dashboard: A backend system for scheduling missions, viewing historical data using the SpaceX API, and upcoming data. Built with Express.js and MongoDB Atlas.