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Wallet FAQ

Pixxl edited this page Jul 29, 2018 · 4 revisions

You've got questions, we've got some answers! If you're experiencing an issue please let us know in one of our online communities or raise an issue on our GitHub repo.

Online Communities




How do I stake on the Obsidian blockchain?

Where is the Obsidian wallet on my computer?


~/Library/Application Support/ObsidianQt/wallet.dat
  1. Open the Finder Application.
  2. Press ⌘ Shift G to open up the "Go" prompt.
  3. Paste ~/Library/Application Support/ObsidianQt/ and press "Go".
  4. You should see the wallet.dat file.





I'm synced but on the wrong chain, what can I do?

  1. Close your wallet application (Obsidian-QT or obsidiand process).
  2. Create a fresh backup of your wallet.dat or save the private key.
  3. Navigate to the Obsidian application support folder
  • Windows: AppData Folder %APPDATA%\Roaming\ObsidianQt folder.
  • macOS: Application Support Folder /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application\ Support/ObsidianQt.
  • Linux: Hidden .obsidian directory in your home directory.
  1. Remove all files EXCEPT the wallet.dat (which should be backed up anyways for safety).
  2. Start up your wallet application again (Obsidian-QT or obsidiand process).

Fingers crossed🤞 your application should start syncing with the correct blockchain from good pairs which have the correct block. Please note that during this process you have removed any currently mined/synced blocks and will be starting fresh which could take a while depending on the current block number on the primary chain, your internet connection, and how many peers you are connected to.

Syncing problems with Obsidian-QT

Please view the separate wiki page on Wallet Syncing

There is a reported issue with Apple routers. Apple routers are not Node friendly for any blockchain. Apple routers do not have UPNP and stop cnonections even with the correct ports forwarded.

Can you explain staking more?

Staking on the Obsidian Blockchain is statically set to 10% a year. Each block reward for a node operator is 20 ODN which means you would need a minimum of 200 ODN to qualify for 1 reward in an entire calendar year.

Your chance of a reward depends on the current net-weight of the network and your wallet net weight. The expected time for a reward is not a countdown, but an estimated amount of time until you should earn a reward. There are numerous people who receive no reward for days, or a week and then suddenly get two or three in one afternoon. It is entirely luck but in the end will average out.

To qualify for staking you need to ensure your Obsidian-QT wallet or obsidiand built binary file (headless wallet) is encrypted, unlocked, and set for staking. Your wallet or process must be running (machine cannot be asleep) and have at least 1 active connection to the network. If you are encountering network issues, or limited active connections you may need to verify your filewall settings or look into setting up a VPS or standalone machine such as a Raspberry-Pi. We have numerous guides for Obsidian on how to setup either of those.

Can I send ODN to MyEtherWallet (MEW) or my Ethereum address?

MyEtherWallet (MEW) is for Ethereum and Ethereum-based altcoins or "tokens". It's completely understandable that you may assume every altcoin out there is a token and thus part of Ethereum and available on MEW because there are so many ETH tokens or (ERC-20 tokens) in existence. That said, Obsidian (ODN) is a coin and has it's own blockchain and structure. It is therefore unable to be transferred to MEW or your Ethereum wallet and must be stored on it's own Obsidian Wallet.

How to copy my wallet to a new computer?


  1. Create backup of your wallet with the coins in them. Go to your wallet program, click "File" then "Backup wallet" and save it.
  2. Run Obsidian-Qt.exe 1 time in the new computer and close it.
  3. Copy %APPDATA%\Roaming\ObsidianQt to the new computer (this will avoid having to sync all over again).
  4. Enjoy it!

Login problems on

If you do not receive your password reset email, check your spam and add to your address book to ensure future emails are not marked as spam.

If you get an Invalid Token error when you reset your password, then the link in the email was scrambled. Try accessing the email in another browser or attempt to reset your password again.

If all else fails, please reach out to the Obsidian Team!