👩🏻💻 gm! I'm Steph aka oceans404
I’m a web3 developer creating dev tools and leading DevRel at Nillion. Want to build on Nillion? I've created these resources to get you up to speed and building fast:
- Nillion Docs
- Nada by Example, a Portal where you can learn the Nada language fast with Nada program examples and 1-click environment setup via Gitpod
- Scaffold-Nillion, a NextJS toolkit for creating fullstack Nillion blind applications
- nillion-python-starter, an opinionated Python starter for writing Nada programs, compiling programs, and scripting out interactions with Nillion
- More examples
- Rock Paper Scissors py-game with blind computation
- Bitcoin Pizza Day Nada program for ordering the right amount of pizzas for your friends
- Linear regression on housing data with blind inference using nada-ai
I 🫶🏼 the energy of hackathons. I've entered and won 7+ since EthOnline 2021, most recently building Wallet OTP, a decentralized 2FA app that won 6 prizes including being featured as a top HackFS 2023 hackathon finalist. As a DevRel Engineer I mentor web3 builders at hackathons, helping them build useful web3 products all over the world
I worked at Polygon Labs, the development and growth team for Polygon, as a Developer Relations Engineer, then an advisor from 2022 - 2023. Here are some of my favorite Polygon resources and tutorials I created:
Polygon ID: Gate a Website based on a Verifiable Credential
- Fullstack template for builders - clone this to build a VC gated Dapp with Polygon ID
Polygon zkEVM
Create mutable (evolving) NFTs and update their metadata with SQL queries
Automate the execution of your smart contracts with Chainlink Keepers
How to decentralize hosting of your front-end React app - Deploy to Fleek
👻 Before web3, I was a software developer at Amazon, AWS, SONY, and a few startups - linkedin. I went full time in web3 during covid after realizing I was spending most of my time exploring and building in the crypto space.