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andrecorreaneto committed Jul 3, 2023
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# Contributing to the CIS OCI Terraform Modules

*Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.*

*Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at*

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git commit --signoff

Only pull requests from committers that can be verified as having signed the OCA can be accepted.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0

Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
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# CIS OCI Landing Zone Security Modules

![Landing Zone logo](./landing_zone_300.png)

This repository contains Terraform OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) modules for security services that help customers align their OCI implementations with the CIS (Center for Internet Security) OCI Foundations Benchmark recommendations.

The following modules are available:
- [Cloud Guard](./cloud-guard/)
- [Security Zones](./security-zones/)
- [Vaults](./vaults/) (a.k.a KMS)
- [Vulnerability Scanning](./vss/)

Within each module you find an *examples* folder. Each example is a fully runnable Terraform configuration that you can quickly test and put to use by modifying the input data according to your own needs.

## CIS OCI Foundations Benchmark Modules Collection

This repository is part of a broader collection of repositories containing modules that help customers align their OCI implementations with the CIS OCI Foundations Benchmark recommendations:
- [Identity & Access Management](
- [Networking](
- [Governance](
- [Security]( - current repository
- [Observability & Monitoring](

The modules in this collection are designed for flexibility, are straightforward to use, and enforce CIS OCI Foundations Benchmark recommendations when possible.

Using these modules does not require a user extensive knowledge of Terraform or OCI resource types usage. Users declare a JSON object describing the OCI resources according to each module’s specification and minimal Terraform code to invoke the modules. The modules generate outputs that can be consumed by other modules as inputs, allowing for the creation of independently managed operational stacks to automate your entire OCI infrastructure.

## Contributing
See [](./

## License
Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) for more details.

## Known Issues
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# July 03, 2023 Release Notes - 0.1.0

## New
1. [Initial Release](#0-1-0-initial)

### <a name="0-1-0-initial">Initial Release</a>
Modules for Cloud Guard, Security Zones, Vault (a.k.a KMS), and Vulnerability Scanning services.
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# CIS OCI Landing Zone Cloud Guard Module

![Landing Zone logo](../landing_zone_300.png)

This module manages Cloud Guard service settings in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) based on a single configuration object. OCI Cloud Guard helps customers monitor, identify, achieve, and maintain a strong security posture on Oracle Cloud. Use the service to examine your OCI resources for security weaknesses related to configuration, and your OCI operators and users for risky activities. Upon detection, Cloud Guard can suggest, assist, or take corrective actions, based on your configuration.

Check [module specification](./ for a full description of module requirements, supported variables, managed resources and outputs.

Check the [examples](./examples/) folder for fully runnable examples.

- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [How to Invoke the Module](#invoke)
- [Module Functioning](#functioning)
- [Related Documentation](#related)
- [Known Issues](#issues)

## <a name="requirements">Requirements</a>
### IAM Permissions

This module requires the following OCI IAM permission:

allow group <group> to manage cloud-guard-family in tenancy

### Terraform Version < 1.3.x and Optional Object Type Attributes
This module relies on [Terraform Optional Object Type Attributes feature](, which is experimental from Terraform 0.14.x to 1.2.x. It shortens the amount of input values in complex object types, by having Terraform automatically inserting a default value for any missing optional attributes. The feature has been promoted and it is no longer experimental in Terraform 1.3.x.

**As is, this module can only be used with Terraform versions up to 1.2.x**, because it can be consumed by other modules via [OCI Resource Manager service](, that still does not support Terraform 1.3.x.

Upon running *terraform plan* with Terraform versions prior to 1.3.x, Terraform displays the following warning:
Warning: Experimental feature "module_variable_optional_attrs" is active

Note the warning is harmless. The code has been tested with Terraform 1.3.x and the implementation is fully compatible.

If you really want to use Terraform 1.3.x, in [](./
1. Change the terraform version requirement to:
required_version = ">= 1.3.0"
2. Remove the line:
experiments = [module_variable_optional_attrs]
## <a name="invoke">How to Invoke the Module</a>

Terraform modules can be invoked locally or remotely.

For invoking the module locally, just set the module *source* attribute to the module file path (relative path works). The following example assumes the module is two folders up in the file system.
module "cloud_guard" {
source = "../.."
cloud_guard_configuration = var.cloud_guard_configuration

For invoking the module remotely, set the module *source* attribute to the Cloud Guard module folder in this repository, as shown:
module "cloud_guard" {
source = ""
cloud_guard_configuration = var.cloud_guard_configuration
For referring to a specific module version, append *ref=\<version\>* to the *source* attribute value, as in:
source = ""

## <a name="functioning">Module Functioning</a>

In this module, Cloud Guard settings are defined using the *cloud_guard_configuration* object, that supports the following attributes:
- **tenancy_ocid**: the tenancy OCID.
- **default_defined_tags**: the default defined tags that are applied to all resources managed by this module. It can be overriden by *defined_tags* attribute in each resource.
- **default_freeform_tags**: the default freeform tags that are applied to all resources managed by this module. It can be overriden by *freeform_tags* attribute in each resource.
- **reporting_region**: the Cloud Guard reporting region, where all API calls, except reads, are made on. You can choose the reporting region among the available regions when enabling Cloud Guard. After Cloud Guard is enabled, you cannot change the reporting region without disabling and re-enabling Cloud Guard. Setting this attribute is required if Cloud Guard is enabled by this module.
- **self_manage_resources**: whether Oracle managed resources are created by customers. Default: false.
- **cloned_recipes_prefix**: a prefix to cloned recipe names. Default: "oracle-cloned-".
- **targets**: the Cloud Guard targets.

**Note**: The module enables the Cloud Guard service in the tenancy if Cloud Guard is not enabled. **It will not disable Cloud Guard under any circumstances**. For disabling Cloud Guard, use the OCI Console.

### Defining Cloud Guard Targets

Within *cloud_guard_configuration*, use the *targets* attribute to define Cloud Guard targets. Each target is defined as an object whose index name must be unique and must not be changed once defined. As a convention, use uppercase strings for the index names.

The *targets* attribute supports the following attributes:
- **name**: the target name.
- **compartment_id**: the compartment where the target is created. It defaults to the value of *resource_id* if *resource_type* is "COMPARTMENT". This attribute is overloaded. It can be assigned either a literal OCID or a reference (a key) to an OCID. See [External Dependencies](#ext_dep) for details.
- **resource_type**: the resource type that Cloud Guard monitors. Valid values: "COMPARTMENT", "FACLOUD". Default: "COMPARTMENT".
- **resource_id**: the resource that Cloud Guard monitors. If the resource refers to a compartment, Cloud Guard monitors the compartment and all its subcompartments. This attribute is overloaded. It can be assigned either a literal OCID or a reference (a key) to an OCID. See [External Dependencies](#ext_dep) for details.
- **use_cloned_recipes**: whether the target should use clones of Oracle provided recipes. Default: false, which means targets use the Oracle provided recipes by default.
- **defined_tags**: the target defined tags. *default_defined_tags* is used if undefined.
- **freeform_tags**: the target freeform tags. *default_freeform_tags* is used if undefined.

**Note**: Regardless of using Oracle provided or cloned recipes, every Cloud Guard target gets configuration, activity and threat detector recipes as well as a responder recipe.

## An Example

The following snippet enables Cloud Guard service (if not already enabled), setting Ashburn as the reporting region and defining two targets. Both targets monitor compartments under *resource_ocid* compartment and are created in *resource_ocid* compartment. First target (*CLOUD-GUARD-TARGET-1*) uses Oracle provided recipes while the second one (*CLOUD-GUARD-TARGET-2*) uses cloned recipes.
cloud_guard_configuration = {
tenancy_ocid = "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaa...nuq"
reporting_region = "us-ashburn-1"
targets = {
name = "vision-cloud-guard-target-1"
resource_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaa...xuq"
name = "vision-cloud-guard-target-1"
resource_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaa...y2a"
use_cloned_recipes = true
### <a name="ext_dep">External Dependencies</a>

The example above has some dependencies. Specifically, it requires *tenancy_ocid* and *resource_id* values. These values need to be obtained somehow. In some cases, you can simply get them from the team that is managing compartments and operate on a manual copy-and-paste fashion. However, in the automation world, copying and pasting can be slow and error prone. More sophisticated automation approaches would get these dependencies from their producing Terraform configurations. With this scenario in mind, **the module overloads the attributes ending in *_id***. Note *tenancy_ocid* is immutable in the tenancy lifetime, hence the module expects that the literal tenancy OCID is used. The *\*_id* attributes can be assigned a literal OCID (as in the example above, for those whom copying and pasting is an acceptable approach) or a reference (a key) to an OCID. If a key to an OCID is given, the module requires a map of objects where the key and the OCID are expected to be found. This map of objects is passed to the module via the *compartments_dependency* attribute.

Rewriting the example above with the external dependency:

cloud_guard_configuration = {
tenancy_ocid = "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaa...nuq"
reporting_region = "us-ashburn-1"
targets = {
name = "vision-cloud-guard-target-1"
resource_id = "HR-CMP"
name = "vision-cloud-guard-target-1"
resource_id = "SALES-CMP"
use_cloned_recipes = true
compartments_dependency = {
"HR-CMP" : {
"id" : "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaa...xuq"
"id" : "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaa...y2a"

The example now relies on references to compartments (*HR-CMP* and *SALES-CMP* keys) rather than the literal compartment OCIDs. Those keys also need to be known somehow, but they are more readable than OCIDs and can have their naming standardized by DevOps, facilitating automation.

The *compartments_dependency* map is typically the output of another Terraform configuration that gets published in a well-defined location for easy consumption. For instance, [this example](./examples/external_dependency/ uses OCI Object Storage object for sharing dependencies across Terraform configurations.

The external dependency approach helps with the creation of loosely coupled Terraform configurations with clearly defined dependencies between them, avoiding copying and pasting.

## <a name="related">Related Documentation</a>
- [OCI Cloud Guard](
- [Cloud Guard in Terraform OCI Provider](

## <a name="issues">Known Issues</a>

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