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Aug 28, 2024
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OCI Vulnerability Scanning Module Example - External Dependency


This example shows how to deploy Vulnerability Scanning resources in OCI using the VSS module. It is functionally equivalent to Vision example, but it obtains its dependencies from OCI Object Storage objects, specified in oci_compartments_dependency and oci_vaults_dependency variables settings.

It defines a host recipe (VISION-HOST-RECIPE), a host target (VISION-HOST-TARGET), a container recipe (VISION-CONTAINER-RECIPE) and a container target (VISION-CONTAINER-TARGET), all created in the same compartment defined by default_compartment_ocid. The example uses module defaults and only defines the minimum required attributes. VISION-HOST-RECIPE recipe is used by VISION-HOST-TARGET target, while VISION-CONTAINER-RECIPE recipe is used by VISION-CONTAINER-TARGET target.

Because it needs to read from OCI Object Storage, the following permissions are required for the executing user, in addition to the permissions required by the VSS module itself.

allow group <group> to read objectstorage-namespaces in tenancy
allow group <group> to read buckets in compartment <bucket-compartment-name>
allow group <group> to read objects in compartment <bucket-compartment-name> where = '<bucket-name>'

Using this example

  1. Rename to <project-name>.auto.tfvars, where <project-name> is any name of your choice.

  2. Within <project-name>.auto.tfvars, provide tenancy connectivity information and adjust the security_zones_configuration input variable, by making the appropriate substitutions:

    • Replace *<REPLACE-BY-COMPARTMENT-REFERENCE>* placeholder by the appropriate compartment reference, expected to be found in the OCI Object Storage object named <REPLACE-BY-OBJECT-NAME> in oci_compartments_dependency.
    • Replace *<REPLACE-BY-TARGET-COMPARTMENT-REFERENCE>* placeholder by the appropriate target compartment reference, expected to be found in the OCI Object Storage object named <REPLACE-BY-OBJECT-NAME> in oci_compartments_dependency.
    • Replace *<REPLACE-BY-TARGET-REGISTRY-COMPARTMENT-REFERENCE>* placeholder by the appropriate target registry compartment reference, expected to be found in the OCI Object Storage object named <REPLACE-BY-OBJECT-NAME> in oci_compartments_dependency.
    • Replace <REPLACE-BY-BUCKET-NAME> placeholder by the OCI Object Storage bucket that contains the object named <REPLACE-BY-OBJECT-NAME>.
    • Replace <REPLACE-BY-OBJECT-NAME> placeholder by the OCI Object Storage object with the compartments references. This object is tipically stored in OCI Object Storage by the module that manages compartments.

The OCI Object Storage object with compartments dependencies (oci_compartments_dependency) is expected to have a structure like this:

    "id" : "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaa...xuq"
    "id" : "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaa...zrt"

Note the compartment OCIDs are referred by SECURITY-CMP and APPLICATION-CMP keys. These are the values that should be used when replacing <REPLACE-BY-COMPARTMENT-REFERENCE>, *<REPLACE-BY-TARGET-COMPARTMENT-REFERENCE>* and *<REPLACE-BY-TARGET-REGISTRY-COMPARTMENT-REFERENCE>* placeholders.

Refer to VSS module for overall attributes usage.

  1. In this folder, run the typical Terraform workflow:
terraform init
terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply plan.out