Releases: ocpp-balanz/balanz
Releases · ocpp-balanz/balanz
- Request StatusNotification and BootNotification messages from charger upon (re)connect in addition to MeterValues. This will help to sync states.
- Reduce log level for API responses to avoid flooding log
- Charging sometimes drops to 6A when another charging session in group starts
- Charger auto-register fails due to missing alias set
- Add Connection State to data returned in charger API
- Stale code set a very high priority (1000) which showed up on UI
- Wrong log message about lowering allocation when it did in fact not change
- Reload groups (hot reload) broken
- SuspendedEV state allocation was discounted in overall allocation calculation
- Model update, and "hot reload" features added and expose via API. This allow most config changes without restarting balanz.
- Historic drawing in simplistic UI can now be restricted to last 5 sessions, or history completely omitted.
- Fixes for situation where an offer/allocation does not make the EV/charger start a transaction (typically because of delayed charging, or possibly because it is full). In such cases, the minimum 6A allocation was left.
- Believed fix for observed situation where charging start caused other active sessions to drop charging to minimum 6A before stepping up again.
Emergency release to clear up id_tag case confusion.
Now tags defined in the .csv file will be automatically upper-cased upon reading them. And, tags incoming from charger uppercase before comparing.
A few critical fixes on 0.10.0
Major modelling change. Groups redefined to be non-hiearchical. This added unnecessary complexity. Instead, default charging priority is now set for each charger.
Overall, much clearner and easier to understand this way.
Initial balanz formal release. To be considered alpha, but maturing ....