This is an online shopping system designed for the fictional publisher TusLibros. It originated as an assignment for the Software Engineering I course, initially implemented in Smalltalk with Test-Driven Development.
- Dockerized: Both the backend and frontend are containerized for easy setup and deployment.
- Frontend: Built with Next.js, using Material UI for components and TypeScript for type safety and scalability.
- Backend: Developed with Go, applying TDD to ensure robust functionality.
- Design Patterns: Incorporates patterns like the System Facade to simplify complex interactions and improve maintainability.
- Use Cases: Four distinct customer types are implemented to demonstrate different usage scenarios effectively.
- Course: Ingeniería de Software I, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires
- Professor: Hernán Wilkinson
- Docker
- Docker-Compose (comes bundled with Docker Desktop)
1. Clone the Repository
git clone
cd TusLibros
2. Build the container image
docker-compose build
3. Start the container
docker-compose up
4. Access the application
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
5. Exit the application
To stop the containers, press ctrl+c or run:
docker-compose down