POLITICO API Is a pure Flask REST API app that serves endpoints for political parties,government offices, petitioning,voting and user login and sign up to be consumed by front end frameworks.
Version 1
/offices | GET | Gets List of offices |
/offices | POST | Adds an office to List of offices |
/parties | GET | Gets List of Parties |
/parties | POST | Adds a party to list of parties |
/parties/<party_id> | GET | Gets a specific party |
/parties/<party_id>/name | PATCH | Updates Name value of a party |
/parties/<office_id>/name | PATCH | Updates Office value of a office |
/parties/<party_id> | DELETE | Deletes Specified Party |
/offices/<office_id> | DELETE | Deletes Specified Office |
/offices/<offices_id> | GET | Gets a specific office |
/users | POST | Adds User to List Of Users |
Version 2
/offices | GET | Gets List of offices |
/offices | POST | Adds an office to List of offices |
/parties | GET | Gets List of Parties |
/parties | POST | Adds a party to list of parties |
/parties/<party_id> | GET | Gets a specific party |
/parties/<party_id>/name | PATCH | Updates Name value of a party |
/parties/<office_id>/name | PATCH | Updates Office value of a office |
/parties/<party_id> | DELETE | Deletes Specified Party |
/offices/<office_id> | DELETE | Deletes Specified Office |
/offices/<offices_id> | GET | Gets a specific office |
/auth/signup | POST | Sign Up A User |
/auth/login | POST | Login An Existing User |
/offices/<office_id>/register | POST | Sign Up A Candidate For An Office |
/offices/<office_id>/register | GET | Get A Candidate For A Specific Office |
/auth/login | POST | Login An Existing User |
/votes/ | POST | Users Can Vote |
/office/<office_id>/results | POST | Users Can Vote |
App Link Hosted On Heroku
From your terminal clone The Repository on your machine \ it will be on develop branch
git clone https://github.com/Davidodari/POLITICO-API.git
Start virtual env if is installed and created ,with python 3\
. venv/bin/activate
to install the virtual env if missing use
pip3 install virtualenv
and create virtual environment using the
python3 -m venv venv
Then Run The Above Commands to activate the virtual env when on the root folder of the project which will be Politico API
Install Flask in Virtual Environment
- The terminal will be instatiate a virtual env and appear similar to what is shown below
- Then Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to download required packages for Flask
- The terminal will be instatiate a virtual env and appear similar to what is shown below
Run Flask App
- Then run the following commands to set up the environment and config in the terminal
- export FLASK_APP=run.py
- export FLASK_ENV=development
- export FLASK_DEBUG=1 ,This will reduce need to restart server in case you make changes
- A link to where the app is hosted will appear in the terminal as shown in the below format
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
- With the above link apply a url prefix
such that itshttp://
- Then run the following commands to set up the environment and config in the terminal
Using an API Test Client like Postman or Insomnia you can run the above endpoints for each request. The Bodys of Requests are below\
{ "name":"office_name", "type":"office_type" }
{ "name":"party_name", "hqAddress":"party_address", "logoUrl":"party_logo" }
{ "firstname":"first_name", "lastname":"last_name", "othername":"other_name", "email":"dedaap@them.mail.com", "phoneNumber":"+123442211", "password":"password" }
As for update just use
key and value on offices and parties -
For unit tests on the root folder run
pytest --cov api tests
command and tests will automatically be run with coverage If not installed run the following command in terminal to install pytest with coverage in venv and run above
pip install -U pytest-cov