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My Evaluation of RKI's COVID-19 Data

My Evaluation of RKI's COVID-19 Data

My personal oppinion is that we should not take the "7-Tage-Inzidenz" as criterion for NPI but a combination of ICU admission rate and hospaitalization rate: Check out the plot with the clinical data.

For convenience, there's an index.html showing the generated plots. I use VS Code Extension Live Server to check the plots in a browser.

Daily download of RKI Excel file via cron with bash script

# every day at 05:03 download Corona data from RKI
03 05  *   *   *     /home/ofenloch/workspaces/COVID19/rki-data-evaluation/ 2>&1 | tee -a /home/ofenloch/workspaces/COVID19/rki-data-evaluation/ 2>&1

Plot Generation

The script processes the extracted CSV file and generates the plots. The script does all the things that are described in more detail below.

The data in the Excel files is extracted into CSV file by

xlsx2csv --all --delimiter ";" --dateformat %Y-%m-%d FileName.xlsx FileName-csv
ofenloch@teben:~/workspaces/COVID19/rki-data-evaluation/rki-data$ for f in *.xlsx ; do xlsx2csv --all --delimiter ";" --dateformat %Y-%m-%d ${f} $(basename ${f} .xlsx)-csv ; done 
ofenloch@teben:~/workspaces/COVID19/rki-data-evaluation/rki-data$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   RKI-Fallzahlen_Kum_Tab-csv/7Tage_LK.csv
        modified:   RKI-Fallzahlen_Kum_Tab-csv/BL_7-Tage-Fallzahlen.csv
        modified:   RKI-Fallzahlen_Kum_Tab-csv/BL_7-Tage-Inzidenz.csv
        modified:   "RKI-Fallzahlen_Kum_Tab-csv/F\303\244lle-Todesf\303\244lle-gesamt.csv"
        modified:   RKI-Fallzahlen_Kum_Tab-csv/Tageswerte berechnet.csv
        modified:   RKI-Fallzahlen_Kum_Tab.xlsx
        modified:   "RKI-Nowcasting_Zahlen-csv/Erl\303\244uterung.csv"
        modified:   RKI-Nowcasting_Zahlen-csv/Nowcast_R.csv
        modified:   RKI-Nowcasting_Zahlen.xlsx

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

The sheet names change sometimes. Sometimes new sheets are added.

The data about the PCR tests is only given per week. I assume, RKI uses ISO week numbers for this information:

  • year 2020 ends with week number 53
  • year 2021 starts with week 01

ISO week 53/2020 starts with Monday, 2020-12-28, and ends with Sunday, 2021-01-03. ISO week 01/2021 starts with Monday, 2021-01-04, and ends with Sunday, 2021-01-10.

So, we use this

ofenloch@teben:~/workspaces/COVID19/rki-eval/rki-data$ ncal -w -M -y 2020
    Januar            Februar           März              April             
Mo     6 13 20 27        3 10 17 24        2  9 16 23 30     6 13 20 27   
Di     7 14 21 28        4 11 18 25        3 10 17 24 31     7 14 21 28   
Mi  1  8 15 22 29        5 12 19 26        4 11 18 25     1  8 15 22 29   
Do  2  9 16 23 30        6 13 20 27        5 12 19 26     2  9 16 23 30   
Fr  3 10 17 24 31        7 14 21 28        6 13 20 27     3 10 17 24      
Sa  4 11 18 25        1  8 15 22 29        7 14 21 28     4 11 18 25      
So  5 12 19 26        2  9 16 23        1  8 15 22 29     5 12 19 26      
    1  2  3  4  5     5  6  7  8  9     9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18   

    Mai               Juni              Juli              August            
Mo     4 11 18 25     1  8 15 22 29        6 13 20 27        3 10 17 24 31
Di     5 12 19 26     2  9 16 23 30        7 14 21 28        4 11 18 25   
Mi     6 13 20 27     3 10 17 24        1  8 15 22 29        5 12 19 26   
Do     7 14 21 28     4 11 18 25        2  9 16 23 30        6 13 20 27   
Fr  1  8 15 22 29     5 12 19 26        3 10 17 24 31        7 14 21 28   
Sa  2  9 16 23 30     6 13 20 27        4 11 18 25        1  8 15 22 29   
So  3 10 17 24 31     7 14 21 28        5 12 19 26        2  9 16 23 30   
   18 19 20 21 22    23 24 25 26 27    27 28 29 30 31    31 32 33 34 35 36

    September         Oktober           November          Dezember          
Mo     7 14 21 28        5 12 19 26        2  9 16 23 30     7 14 21 28   
Di  1  8 15 22 29        6 13 20 27        3 10 17 24     1  8 15 22 29   
Mi  2  9 16 23 30        7 14 21 28        4 11 18 25     2  9 16 23 30   
Do  3 10 17 24        1  8 15 22 29        5 12 19 26     3 10 17 24 31   
Fr  4 11 18 25        2  9 16 23 30        6 13 20 27     4 11 18 25      
Sa  5 12 19 26        3 10 17 24 31        7 14 21 28     5 12 19 26      
So  6 13 20 27        4 11 18 25        1  8 15 22 29     6 13 20 27      
   36 37 38 39 40    40 41 42 43 44    44 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 51 52 53   
ofenloch@teben:~/workspaces/COVID19/rki-eval/rki-data$ ncal -w -M -y 2021
    Januar            Februar           März              April             
Mo     4 11 18 25     1  8 15 22        1  8 15 22 29        5 12 19 26   
Di     5 12 19 26     2  9 16 23        2  9 16 23 30        6 13 20 27   
Mi     6 13 20 27     3 10 17 24        3 10 17 24 31        7 14 21 28   
Do     7 14 21 28     4 11 18 25        4 11 18 25        1  8 15 22 29   
Fr  1  8 15 22 29     5 12 19 26        5 12 19 26        2  9 16 23 30   
Sa  2  9 16 23 30     6 13 20 27        6 13 20 27        3 10 17 24      
So  3 10 17 24 31     7 14 21 28        7 14 21 28        4 11 18 25      
   53  1  2  3  4     5  6  7  8        9 10 11 12 13    13 14 15 16 17   

    Mai               Juni              Juli              August            
Mo     3 10 17 24 31     7 14 21 28        5 12 19 26        2  9 16 23 30
Di     4 11 18 25     1  8 15 22 29        6 13 20 27        3 10 17 24 31
Mi     5 12 19 26     2  9 16 23 30        7 14 21 28        4 11 18 25   
Do     6 13 20 27     3 10 17 24        1  8 15 22 29        5 12 19 26   
Fr     7 14 21 28     4 11 18 25        2  9 16 23 30        6 13 20 27   
Sa  1  8 15 22 29     5 12 19 26        3 10 17 24 31        7 14 21 28   
So  2  9 16 23 30     6 13 20 27        4 11 18 25        1  8 15 22 29   
   17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26    26 27 28 29 30    30 31 32 33 34 35

    September         Oktober           November          Dezember          
Mo     6 13 20 27        4 11 18 25     1  8 15 22 29        6 13 20 27   
Di     7 14 21 28        5 12 19 26     2  9 16 23 30        7 14 21 28   
Mi  1  8 15 22 29        6 13 20 27     3 10 17 24        1  8 15 22 29   
Do  2  9 16 23 30        7 14 21 28     4 11 18 25        2  9 16 23 30   
Fr  3 10 17 24        1  8 15 22 29     5 12 19 26        3 10 17 24 31   
Sa  4 11 18 25        2  9 16 23 30     6 13 20 27        4 11 18 25      
So  5 12 19 26        3 10 17 24 31     7 14 21 28        5 12 19 26      
   35 36 37 38 39    39 40 41 42 43    44 45 46 47 48    48 49 50 51 52   

Plotting with GnuPlot

The Gnuplot command file is plot-data.plt