The simple tool for create informative map image with schematics roads, houses, caves and water towers. Relief information also applied to make map more imformative about the landscape.
Java 8 or higher. You can download java here:
Download latest release an put 7dtd-rgw-map-image-builder.jar into %USER_HOME%\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\<world name>\
After that double clicking the jar or use command line execution:
java -jar 7dtd-rgw-map-image-builder.jar
You will see program output:
Detected mapSize: 8192
Resulting image side size will be: 2048px
File load:
Time to solve stats: 253ms
mean = 45586
rms = 45593
min = 0
max = 65520
D2 = 1644.0
startHist = 37373
k = 2.0
File saving time: = 6s
Roads loaded
All work done!
Resulting map image: '5_mapWithObjects.png'.
After that review new created files. World map with all objects may be found in 5_mapWithObjects.png image.