kaikkisanat_muokattu.txt words contain also the suffix 1 - 12345678910 and 666.
sukunimet2022.txt contains almost all Finnish surnames.
These lists contains Finnish words that can be used, for example, to crack captured wlan handshakes.
Typical scripts for cracking are Aircrack-ng, Wifite and Hashcat. You can also use lists for online bruteforcing and password spraying.
After you have successfully recorded the WPA handshake you can use one of the commands:
- sudo wifite --crack --dict /path/kaikkisanat_muokattu.txt
- sudo hashcat -m 22000 -a 0 /path/name_of_your_handshake.hc22000 /path/kaikkisanat_muokattu.txt -w 4 --status
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