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Cravenly unobtrusive force multiplier library for Haxe. i.e My version of the stuff that everyone has a version of. Should play nice with everyone, tell me otherwise and I'll fix it.

using stx.Pico pulls in...




enum Option<T>{
var a = Some(1);
var b =
  (x) -> x + 1 // if defined, add one
  (x) -> None // if defined, return None
).defv(9);//default value, results in 9
function make<T>(t: T): Option<T> 

Produces Some(t) if t is not null, None otherwise.

function fromNullT<T>(v:Null<T>):Option<T>
function flatten<T>(self: Option<Option<T>>): Option<T>

Produces an Option where self may contain another Option.


These are automatically available to all haxe.ds.Option, but are available as static functions via Option._

function fold<T,TT>(self:OptionSum<T>,ok:T->TT,no:Void->TT):TT

supply handlers for the cases and retrieve one ore other values.

function map<T, TT>(self: OptionSum<T>,f: T -> TT):Option<TT>

Performs f on the contents of self if self != None

function flat_map<T, TT>(self: OptionSum<T>,f: T -> Option<TT>): Option<TT>

Produces the Option result of f which takes the contents of self as a parameter

function or<T>(self: OptionSum<T>, thunk: Void -> OptionSum<T>):Option<T>

Produces self if it is Some(x), the result of thunk otherwise.

function filter<T>(self:OptionSum<T>,fn:T->Bool):Option<T>

returns None if filter returns false, Some(t:T) otherwise.

function def<T>(self: OptionSum<T>, thunk: Void->T): T

Produces the value of self if not None, the result of thunk otherwise.

function defv<T>(self:OptionSum<T>,v:T):T

Returns the inner value of self or the value v if self is None

function is_defined<T>(self:OptionSum<T>)

returns true if self is Some(v), false otherwise.

function iterator<T>(self:OptionSum<T>):Iterator<T>{

returns an Iterator. makes Option avaliable for use in array comprehensions.

function merge<T>(self:OptionSum<T>,that:OptionSum<T>,fn : T -> T -> T):OptionSum<T>

Produces one or other value if only one is defined, or calls fn on the two and returns the result

function toArray<T>(self: OptionSum<T>): Array<T>

Produces an Array of length 0 if self is None, length 1 otherwise.


enum Either<L,R>{
function fold<Ti,Tii,R>(self:EitherSum<Ti,Tii>,lhs:Ti->R,rhs:Tii->R):R{

Applies lhs if the value is Left and rhs if the value is Right, returning the result.

function map<Ti,Tii,R>(self:Either<Ti,Tii>,fn:Tii->R):Either<Ti,R>

applies fn if the value is Right, producing Right(R)

function flat_map<Ti,Tii,R>(self:Either<Ti,Tii>,fn:Tii->Either<Ti,R>:Either<Ti,R>

maps and then flatten the Right value if it exists, or pass the Left untouched.

function flip<Ti,Tii>(self:Either<Ti,Tii>):Either<Tii,Ti>

makes a Left a Right and vice-versa.


enum Outcome<T,E>{
function map<T,E,TT>(self:OutcomeSum<T,E>,fn:T->TT):Outcome<TT,E>

applies function fn if outcome is Success, or passes error E

function flat_map<T,E,TT>(self:OutcomeSum<T,E>,fn:T->OutcomeSum<TT,E>:Outcome<TT,E>

applies function fn, allowing the change from Success to Failure if self is Success

function fold<T,E,TT>(self:OutcomeSum<T,E>,fn:T->TT,er:E->TT):TT

supply handlers and receive one or other of the values, depending on self

function fudge<T,E>(self:OutcomeSum<T,E>):T

return the inner value or throw E if self is Failure

function elide<T,E>(self:OutcomeSum<T,E>):Outcome<Dynamic,E>

untype the T type


function flatten<T>(arrs: Array<Array<T>>): Array<T> 

produces an Array from an Array of Arrays.

function interleave<T>(alls: StdArray<StdArray<T>>): Array<T> 

Weaves an Array of arrays so that [ array0[0] , array1[0] ... arrayn[0] , array0[1], array1[1] ... ]. Continues to operate to the length of the shortest array, and drops the rest of the elements.

function is_defined<T>(self:StdArray<T>):Bool

Return true if the length of self is greater than 0.

function cons<T>(self:StdArray<T>,t:T):Array<T>

Return an Array including t:T at the beginning.

function snoc<T>(self:StdArray<T>,t:T):Array<T>

Return an Array including t:T at the end.

function set<T>(self:StdArray<T>,i:Int,v:T):Array<T>

Produces an Array wherein the value at self[i] is t.

function get<T>(self:StdArray<T>,i:Int):T

Produces the element of self at index i

function head<T>(self:StdArray<T>):Option<T>

Produces the first element of self as an Option, Option.None if the Array is empty or the value is null.

function tail<T>(self:StdArray<T>):Array<T>

Produces an Array of all elements after the first.

function last<T>(self:StdArray<T>):Option<T>

Produces the last element of self if defined.

function copy<T>(self:StdArray<T>):Array<T>

Produces a seperate, shallow copy of self.

function concat<T>(self:StdArray<T>,that:Iterable<T>):Array<T>

Produces an Array containing the contents of self followed by the contents of that.

function bind_fold<T,Ti,TT>(self:StdArray<T>,pure:Ti->TT,init:Ti,bind:TT->(Ti->TT)->TT,fold:T->Ti->Ti):TT

Achieves a flat_map by passing the bind function as a parameter.

function reduce<T,TT>(self:StdArray<T>,unit:Void->TT,pure:T->TT,plus:TT->TT->TT):TT

Folds self into TT by first constructing a pure value from each element.

function map<T,TT>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->TT):Array<TT>

Produces an Array containing the results of f applied to self.

function mapi<T,TT>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:Int->T->TT):Array<TT>

Applies function f to each element in self, passing the index in the left hand parameter, returning an Array.

function flat_map<T,TT>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->Iterable<TT>):Array<TT>

Applies function f to each element in self, concatenating and returning the results.

function lfold<T,TT>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->TT->TT,memo:TT):TT

Using starting var tt, run f on each element, storing the result, and passing that result into the next call:

[1,2,3,4,5].lfold( function(next,memo) return init + v, 100 ));//(((((100 + 1) + 2) + 3) + 4) + 5)
function lfold1<T>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->T->T):Option<T>

Performs a lfold, using the first value of arr as the memo value.

function rfold<T,TT>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->TT->TT,z:TT):TT 

As with lfold but working from the right hand side.

function lscan<T>(self:StdArray<T>,f: T -> T -> T,init: T): Array<T> 

Takes an initial value which is passed to function f along with each element one by one, accumulating the results. f(next,memo)

function lscan1<T>(self:StdArray<T>,f: T -> T -> T): Array<T>

As lscan, but using the first element as the second parameter of f

function rscan<T>(self:StdArray<T>,init: T, f: T -> T -> T): Array<T>

As lscan but from the end of the Array.

function rscan1<T>(self:StdArray<T>,f: T -> T -> T): Array<T>

As rscan, but using the first element as the second parameter of f

function filter<T>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->Bool):Array<T>

Call f on each element in self, returning an Array where f(e) = true.

function map_filter<T,TT>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->Option<TT>):Array<TT>

Call f on each element in self, returning an Array where the result is Some(tt:TT)

function whilst<T>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->Bool):Array<T>

As with filter, but produces nothing more after the predicate p first returns false.

function ltaken<T>(self:StdArray<T>,n):Array<T>

Produces an Array from self[0] to self[n]

function ldropn<T>(self:StdArray<T>,n):Array<T>

Produces an Array from self[n] up to and including the last element.

function rdropn<T>(self:StdArray<T>,n:Int):Array<T>

Produces an Array from self[0] to self[a.length-n].

function ldrop<T>(self: StdArray<T>, p: T -> Bool): Array<T>

Drops values from self while the predicate returns true.

function search<T>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->Bool):Option<T>

Produces an Option.Some(element) the first time the predicate returns true, None otherwise.

function all<T>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->Bool):Bool

Produces true if the predicate returns true for all elements, false otherwise.

function any<T>(self:StdArray<T>,fn:T->Bool): Bool

Produces true if the predicate returns true for any element, false otherwise.

function zip_with<T,Ti,TT>(self:StdArray<T>,that:StdArray<Ti>,fn:T->Ti->TT):Array<TT>

Produces an Array of f(l_element,r_element). Goes to the shorter of the two Arrays.

function cross_with<T,Ti,TT>(self : Array<T>, that : Array<Ti>,fn : T -> Ti -> TT):Array<TT>

from thx.core It returns the cross product between two arrays.

var r = [1,2,3].cross_with([4,5,6],(lhs,rhs) -> [lhs,rhs]);
trace(r); // [[1,4],[1,5],[1,6],[2,4],[2,5],[2,6],[3,4],[3,5],[3,6]]
function difference_with<T>(self:Array<T>, that:Array<T>,eq:T->T->Bool)

Produces an Array that contains all elements from self which are not elements of that, using f. If self contains duplicates, the resulting Array contains duplicates.

function union_with<T>(self:Array<T>, that:Array<T>,eq:T->T->Bool)

Produces an Array that contains all elements from self which are also elements of that. If self contains duplicates, so will the result.

function unique_with<T>(self:StdArray<T>,eq:T->T->Bool):Array<T>{
function nub_with<T>(self:StdArray<T>,f: T -> T -> Bool): Array<T>

Produces an Array with no duplicate elements as determined by f.

function intersect_with<T>(self: StdArray<T>, that: StdArray<T>,f:T -> T -> Bool): Array<T> 

Intersects two Arrays, determining equality by f.

function reversed<T>(self: StdArray<T>): Array<T> 

Produces an Array with the elements in reversed order.

function count<T>(self: StdArray<T>, f: T -> Bool): Int 

Counts some property of the elements of self using predicate p. For the length of the Array @see size().

function size<T>(self: StdArray<T>): Int

Returns the number of elements in self

function index_of<T>(self: StdArray<T>, t: T->Bool): Int 

Produces the index of element t. For a function producing an Option, see findArrayOf.

function has<T>(self: StdArray<T>,obj:T): Option<Int>

Determines if a value is contained in self by identity.

function partition<T>(self: StdArray<T>,f: T -> Bool): { a : StdArray<T>, b : StdArray<T> }

Produces a tuple containing two Arrays, a being elements where f(e) == true, and b, the rest.

function chunk<T>(self : StdArray<T>, size : StdArray<Int>):Array<Array<T>>

Produces an Array of Arrays of size size.

function pad<T>(self:StdArray<T>,len:Int,?val:T):Array<T>

Pads out to len with val, ignores if len is less than Array.size().

function fill<T>(self:StdArray<T>,def:T):Array<T>

Fills null values in self with def.

function toIterable<T>(self:StdArray<T>:Iterable<T>
function toMap<T>(self:StdArray<Void -> { a : String, b : T }>:Map<String,T>

Produces a haxe.ds.Map

function random<T>(self:StdArray<T>):Null<T>
function shuffle<T>(self: StdArray<T>): Array<T>
function and_with<T>(self:Array<T>,that:Array<T>,eq:T->T->Bool):Bool;
function rotate<T>(self:Array<T>,num:Int):Array<T>

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echo "hello"


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