Kotlin Wrappers for React Native Components and APIs
Available components: All react native components are available in this wrapper. Check them out using the URL below:
Available APIs: All react native APIs are available in this wrapper. Check them out using the URL below:
Use the cli tool below to generate a new Kotlin React Native application.
Proceed to the next step after generating the project.
In your react native application shared module (a kotlin gradle project), update your gradle file to include the following in the respective blocks.
repositories {
dependencies {
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.api.AppRegistry
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.api.Platform
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.component.ScrollView
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.component.StyleSheet
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.component.Text
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.component.View
import react.FC
import react.Props
val styles = StyleSheet.create(object {
val body = object {
val backgroundColor = "#FFF"
val text = object {
val fontSize = 24
val fontWeight = "600"
val color = "#000"
val App = FC<Props> {
ScrollView {
contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = "automatic"
View {
style = styles.body
Text {
style = styles.text
+"Welcome to Kotlin React Native"
fun main() {
// For class components
//AppRegistry.registerComponent("MyApp") { App::class.js }
// For functional components (Assume App is the functional component)
AppRegistry.registerComponent("MyApp") { App }
// Code below will work if you have added react native web dependency to your project.
// Visit how to set up react native web in your project for a detailed instruction.
// An example project using react native web is in the link at the end of this document.
if (Platform.OS == "web") {
AppRegistry.runApplication("MyApp", json {
rootTag = document.getElementById("root")
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.*
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.AppRegistry
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.Platform
import kotlinx.browser.document
import react.*
val Menu = functionComponent<MenuProps> { props ->
view {
this.attrs.style = json {
flex = 1
backgroundColor = "white"
marginRight = "90%"
button {
title = "Screen Two"
onPress = {
// props being passed through a json object
// NOTE: An interface with the props below have to be defined and used by ScreenTwo component
props.navigator.push("ScreenTwo", json {
name = "Nicodemus Ojwee"
age = 25
school = "Namilyango College"
button {
title = "Screen Three"
onPress = {
props.navigator.push("ScreenThree", json { })
val App = functionComponent<Props> {
navigator {
this.attrs {
// Side Menu (from above) is passed as functional component prop
// Using asDynamic() for now till the next update
asDynamic().sideMenu = Menu
asDynamic().menuPosition = "left"
route {
this.attrs {
name = "ScreenOne"
component = ScreenOne
// pathVariables has to be defined as below if you plan to pass props in react native web
// pathVariables names are supposed to be similar and in the order in which you have defined your props interface in ScreenTwoProps
route {
this.attrs {
name = "ScreenTwo"
component = ScreenTwo
pathVariables = "name/age/school"
route {
this.attrs {
name = "ScreenThree"
component = ScreenThree
val ScreenOne = functionComponent<NavigationProps> { props ->
view {
this.attrs.style = json {
backgroundColor = "#59C9A5"
flex = 1
button {
title = "Menu"
onPress = {
button {
title = "Screen Two"
onPress = {
// props being passed through a json object
// NOTE: An interface with the props below have to be defined and used by ScreenTwo component
props.navigator.push("ScreenTwo", json {
name = "Nicodemus Ojwee"
age = 25
school = "Namilyango College"
button {
title = "Pop"
onPress = {
// If using web, the props defined in the interface below have to be defined as pathVariables
// in the route {} function above in App component and they have to follow the order.
external interface ScreenTwoProps : NavigationProps {
var name: String
var age: Int
var school: String
val ScreenTwo = functionComponent<ScreenTwoProps> { props ->
view {
this.attrs.style = json {
backgroundColor = "#23395B"
flex = 1
alignItems = "center"
justifyContent = "center"
button {
title = "Screen Three"
onPress = {
props.navigator.push("ScreenThree", json { })
button {
title = "Pop"
onPress = {
text("Name is " + props.name) {
this.attrs {
style = json {
color = "white"
text("Age is " + props.age) {
this.attrs {
style = json {
color = "white"
text("School is " + props.school) {
this.attrs {
style = json {
color = "white"
val ScreenThree = functionComponent<NavigationProps> { props ->
view {
this.attrs.style = json {
backgroundColor = "#B9E3C6"
flex = 1
alignItems = "center"
justifyContent = "center"
button {
title = "Pop"
onPress = {
fun main() {
AppRegistry.registerComponent("MyApp") { App }
// Code below will work if you have added react native web dependency to your project.
// Visit how to set up react native web in your project for a detailed instruction.
// An example project using react native web is in the link at the end of this document.
if (Platform.OS == "web") {
AppRegistry.runApplication("MyApp", json {
rootTag = document.getElementById("root")
NOTE: In the main function, MyApp should be the same as the name of the app directory
A fully set up and working example can be found in the repository below.