The application Happy was developed during Next Level Week # 3 - OmniStack trail - offered by Rocketseat In order to connect institutions that welcome children to people who wish to visit these places. In order to provide moments of unique felcidides for both.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
Frontend Web
Frontend Mobile
The Layout was developed by Rocketseat, and you can access it on Figma:
- Servidor http://localhost:3333
- Web http://localhost:3000
- Mobile(expo) http://localhost:19000
Follow the instructions to use the mapbox instead of openstreetmap.
- At "", copy your token;
- At the root of the web project create a file called ".env";
- Inside this file, type "REACT_APP_MAPBOX_TOKEN =" and paste your token right after;
If you did everything correctly, you are using the mapbox API with your Token on the map page. 😄
If you have an account at [mapbox] (, you can use your token to use the application map. However, if you don't want to have this job, no problem, just comment the line of code in the mapbox, and uncomment the line of code from [openstreetmap] (
You should have:
- NodeJS
- Package manager (NPM ou Yarn)
$ git clone
$ cd happy
cd backend && yarn install
cd web && yarn install
cd mobile && yarn install
Enter on folder
$ cd backend
Run the server
$ yarn dev
Enter on folder
$ cd web
Run the application
$ yarn start
Entre na pasta
$ cd mobile
Run the application
$ yarn start
After installing the premises and having started the mobile application, the expo page will open.
On the metro bundler page, click on "Run on Android device / emulator" and wait to load. Keep in mind that you must have gone through the installation process android sdk, etc.
On the metro bundler page, click on "Run on iOS simulator" and wait to load.
Download the Expo app:
After downloading, go back to the metro bundler page and scan the QR Code with the Expo app.
- Fork this repository;
- Create a branch with your feature:
git checkout -b my-feature
; - Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
; - Push to your branch:
git push origin my-feature