Cordova plugin for Salesforce DMP.
Add to your package.json:
devDependencies: {
"cordova-plugin-dmp": "0.0.3",
"cordova": {
"plugins": {
"cordova-plugin-dmp": {}
import { DMPPlugin } from 'cordova-plugin-salesforce-dmp';
declare var DMP: DMPPlugin;
DMP.initialize({ apiKey: string })
DMP.sendRequests(params: { policyRegime: string, consent: { [index: string]: number; }, identity?: { [index: string]: string; }})
DMP.trackPage(params: { email: string, logged: boolean, cod_ric: string, path: string, type: string })
DMP.fireEvent(params: { action: string, category: string, label: string })
The project is MIT licensed: MIT.