Broker documentation is at
The Docker image entrypoint is copied from It performs configuration of the daemon according to environment variables, or runs some other command if not started with qpidd command.
You can get online line help using command
docker build -t qpid .
docker run --rm qpid --help
Qpid daemon has AMQP 0-10 heritage. AMQP 1.0 is not well documented.
There is some documentation in the source code at
. The source is at
The AMQP 0-10 queues and exchanges can be persisted, but AMQP 1.0 object must be created every time the broker starts. The creation is done using AMQP messages.
The broker offers options --topic-patterns and --queue-patterns for defining policies at startup, but this does not allow defining any of the properties for the queues and topics created automatically. The pattern would seem to be a POSIX basic regular expression.
The Docker image can be configured using following environment variables.
defines the broker home directory, where most files will be stored. By default/var/lib/qpidd
defines broker's data-dir and pid-dir options. By default$QPIDD_HOME/work
defines the path to the SASL databases containing users and passwords. By default$QPIDD_HOME/etc/sasl/qpidd.sasldb
defines the directory where the SASL configuration file will be stored. By default$QPIDD_HOME/etc/sasl/
allow to specify the username and password for the admin user which will be created. If not specified, no user will be created.QPIDD_SSL_DB_DIR
defines the directory where the NSS tools certificate database will be created. By default$QPIDD_HOME/etc/ssl
specify the public crt file and private pem key file contents of the broker certificate. (The keys should be stored in these variables as strings, not as a path to file). If specified, the broker will be configured with SSLQPIDD_SSL_TRUSTED_CA
defines the certificates which will be accepted as trusted CA certificatesQPIDD_SSL_TRUSTED_PEER
defines the certificates which will be accepted as trusted peers certificatesQPIDD_SSL_NO_DICT
specifies that the broker should not allow username/password based connections over SSL. It will allow only SSL client authentication.QPIDD_ACL_FILE
defines where the ACL file will be stored. By default$QPIDD_HOME/etc/qpidd.acl
can be used to specify the exact ACL rules which will be used. If not specified the ACL file will be either left empty, or in caseQPIDD_ADMIN_USERNAME
was specified it will allow everything for the admin user and forbid everything for everyone elseQPIDD_STORE_DIR
defines the broker message store directory. By default$QPIDD_HOME/store
defines the broker paging directory. By default$QPIDD_HOME/paging
defines the path to the broker configuration file. By default$QPIDD_HOME/etc/qpidd.conf
might contain the exact broker configuration directives which will be written into the configuration file. If not specified, the configuration file will be generated.