Hellooooooooooo, 👋
Here are some details about my Website: 👎
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/olatunde1998/geodevcodes-microfrontend.git
Change directory into the
cloned folder
and run the setup scriptcd geodevcodes-microfrontend
Open your terminal and type this command
yarn install
to add the react dependency to the app in the development mode. -
After the Successful installation of the dependency type/copy this command
yarn dev
to run the app in your local environment -
Copy this link http://localhost:3000/ and paste it to your web browser(Chrome, safari, mozilla firefox et.c) to view it.
Vercel was used to deploy the app.
The MIT License - Copyright (c) 2024 - Present, geodevcodes / Storage Service.
Rasheed Olatunde (Software Developer)