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This project demonstrates the feasibility of migrating legacy PETSc-based applications to modern supercomputers (which are often heterogeneous platforms) with minor code modifications in PETSc's source code.


PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) is an MPI-based parallel linear algebra library. It has been used to build many scientific codes in HPC (high-performance computing) area for over two decades. While PETSc provides excellent performance on CPU machines, it still lacks satisfying GPU support. Nowadays, GPU plays an increasingly important role in modern supercomputers, and due to PETSc's lagging GPU support, PETSc-based applications may need to find other ways to move forward in hybrid accelerated systems.

This project demonstrates that it's not difficult for PETSc users to enable GPU capability. Minor code modifications in PETSc's source code can achieve that. Directive-based programming models, such as OpenACC, are suitable for this kind of minor coding works.

The speedup may not be appealing in this way because we avoid re-designing numerical methods and parallel algorithms. The sequential kernels called by each MPI process in PETSc are originally designed for a single CPU core. Thus, naively inserting OpenACC directives into source code may not be able to hide data transfer latency efficiently. And some kernels are difficult to be parallelized without re-designing their algorithms.

Nevertheless, small speedups can still be useful to codes running on some supercomputers, such as Titan and Summit. These supercomputers only provide hybrid nodes (i.e., CPU + GPU). Hence, for PETSc applications running on those supercomputers, minor code modification in an exchange with GPU capability and a small speedup may be acceptable. It's all about a balance between coding effort and computational performance.


  • Target problem: a 3D Poisson problem, which represents a bottleneck of many CFD (computational fluid dynamics) codes.
  • The KSP linear solver will be CG (conjugate-gradient method) + GAMG (algebra multigrid preconditioner)
  • Target platform: Titan

In order to avoid potential license issues, all code snippets from PETSc are left out. Instead, patch files are used to create OpenACC kernels by patching original PETSc source code. Once users use command make build-petsc to download and build PETSc, the command will automatically extract necessary PETSc kernel functions to directory src/original. And it will next patch these PETSc kernels to create OpenACC kernels, which will be located in src/openacc-step[1-4].

In folder runs, there are some PBS scripts for running some tests/benchmarks on Titan. Users can submit these PBS jobs through make or qsub directly. But jobs must submit under the top-level directory of this repo, because there are some relative paths used. See the usage below.


At top-level directory:

  • source ./scripts/ setup the environment on Titan
  • make help: see help
  • make list: list all targets
  • make list-executables: list all targets for building executables
  • make list-runs: list all targets for submitting PBS jobs
  • make build-petsc: build PETSc library, extract necessary PETSc kernels to src/original, and then create OpenACC kernels in src/openacc-step[1-4]
  • make all: build all executables
  • make <executable>: build an individual executable
  • make PROJ=<chargeable project> PROJFOLDER=<usable folder under $MEMBERWORK> <run>: submit a run shown in make list-runs using the allocation of <chargeable proj>; or you can use alternative command qsub -A <chargeable project> -v PROJFOLDER=<usable folder under $MEMBERWORK>,EXEC=<executable> runs/<PBS script>.pbs. PROJFOLDER will be used as a temporary working directory.
  • make clean-build: clean executables and object files
  • make clean-petsc: clean build PETSc library
  • make clean-all: clean everything
  • make create-plots: create plots for strong scaling and speedups according to result files under the folder runs. Must get some results (e.g. run some PBS jobs first) prior calling this target.

Example Results on Titan

Results from a 300x300x300 Poisson problem. For single-node tests, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 CPU cores and 1 K20x GPU were used on a Titan node. For multiple-node tests, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 Titan nodes were used (16 CPU cores + 1 K20x GPU per node).

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4


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