Gradient is a versatile utility designed to generate smooth color transitions in hexadecimal format within Neovim. This plugin allows users to create seamless color progressions between specified colors or highlight groups, offering an array of hex color values that represent a smooth gradient.
Generate gradients from:
- hex colors or hl_group names with as many steps and stops as you want
- hl_group background to foreground
Pick color from position in gradient.
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
return {
Gradient offers a variety of functions to generate and manipulate gradients.
Generate gradient from hex colors or hl_group names:
---@param steps number @ number of steps
---@param ... string @ Hex colors values or hl_group names
---@return string[] @ An array of hex color values strings representing the gradient
function gradient.from_stops(steps, ...)
Generate gradient from hl_group background to foreground:
---@param steps number @ number of steps
---@param hl_group_name string @ hl_group name
---@return string[] @ An array of hex color values strings representing the gradient
function gradient.from_hl_bg_to_fg(steps, hl_group_name)
Pick color from position in gradient:
---@param position number @ Position in gradient (0 to 1). e.g. 0.42
---@param ... string @ Hex colors values or hl_group names
---@return string @ Hex color value string representing the color at the position
function gradient.pick_color_from_pos(position, ...)
Explore a variety of usage examples to effortlessly implement and manipulate gradients within your Neovim environment.
local gradient = require('gradient')
---@type string[]
local from_hex = gradient.from_stops(7, '#000000', '#ff0000', '#ffffff')
assert(from_hex == { "#000000", "#490000", "#920000", "#DB0000", "#FF2525", "#FF6E6E", "#FFB7B7", "#FFFFFF" })
---@type string[]
local from_hex_and_hl = gradient.from_stops(7, '#000000', 'Error')
assert(from_hex_and_hl == { "#000000", "#220F0E", "#431E1C", "#652D2A", "#863C38", "#A84B46", "#C95A54", "#EA6962" })
---@type string[]
local from_hl_bg_to_fg = gradient.from_hl_bg_to_fg(7, 'Error')
assert(from_hl_bg_to_fg == { "#0D0C17", "#2D1A22", "#4D272D", "#6C3438", "#8C4242", "#AB4F4D", "#CB5C58", "#EA6962" })
---@type string
local from_position = gradient.pick_color_from_pos(0.6, '#000000', '#ff0000')
assert(from_position == "#990000")