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RPMD code for the paper "Quantum Rates in Dissipative Systems with Spatially Varying Friction", Oli Bridge et al., J. Chem. Phys., 2024. (


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Python NumPy

Quantum Rates in Dissipative Systems with Spatially Varying Friction

This repository contains a compact Python implementation of the Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics (RPMD) method for computing approximate quantum rate constants in dissipative systems with linear and nonlinear friction. The code is used to simulate the dynamics of a ring polymer in a 1D potential, under the influence of a bath of harmonic oscillators to emulate a condensed phase environment.

RPMD results produced from this code contributed to the paper "Quantum Rates in Dissipative Systems with Spatially Varying Friction", Bridge et al., J. Chem. Phys. (2024). For experimental data (including ML-MCTDH results), and plotting scripts for the figures in the paper, please see the paper's GitLab repository.


To clone the repository, run the following:

git clone
cd NonlinearDissipativeSystems

For package management, set up a conda environment (called nl_rpmd as an example) and install the required packages as follows:

conda create -n nl_rpmd python=3.10 anaconda
conda activate nl_rpmd
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Code

The code is designed to be run from the command line. To run a simulation, use the script in the scripts/ directory. For example, to run a simulation with a linear friction bath, use the following command:

python scripts/ -t [temp] --n_bathmodes [nmodes] -g [gamma] -n [nbeads] -c config.yaml -l

where [temp] is the temperature (K), [nmodes] is the number of bath modes, [gamma] is the friction coefficient, [nbeads] is the number of ring polymer beads, config.yaml is the configuration file, and -l is a flag that specifies linear friction. For a nonlinear bath, omit the -l flag:

python scripts/ -t [temp] --n_bathmodes [nmodes] -g [gamma] -n [nbeads] -c config.yaml

Directory Structure

The directory structure is as follows:

├── figs/
├── results/
├── src/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── scripts/
│   ├──
│   └──
├── thesis/
├── acf_example.ipynb
  • figs/: Thesis figures.

  • results/: Stores simulation results.

  • src/: RPMD code.

    • Code for reproducing the original RPMD paper results.
    • Linear and nonlinear BathMode() classes.
    • RPMD rate constant calculation.
    • Linear and nonlinear System() classes.
    • General functions for constant temperature RPMD simulations.
  • scripts/: Scripts for running simulations, plotting etc.

  • thesis/: Contains my Part III thesis for reference.

  • acf_example.ipynb: Example implementation of

Brief Background

Ring Polymer Hamiltonian

The ring polymer Hamiltonian for a 1D potential is given by

$$ H_N(\mathbf{p},\mathbf{q}) = \sum_{j=1}^N \left[\frac{p_j^2}{2m} + \frac{1}{2}m\omega_N^2(q_j-q_{j+1})^2 + V(q_j)\right] $$

where $N$ is the number of beads, $m$ is the mass of each bead, $\omega_N=N/\beta \hbar$, $\beta=1/k_BT$, and $p_j$ and $q_j$ are the momentum and position of the $j^{th}$ bead.

RPMD Rates

The $N$-bead ring polymer approximation to the quantum rate constant is given by

$$ k^{(N)}(T) = \frac{1}{Q_r^{(N)}(T)}\lim_{t\to\infty}\widetilde{C}^{(N)}_{fs}(t), $$

where $\widetilde{C}_{fs}^{(N)}(t)$ is the ring polymer flux-side time-correlation function (TCF), and $Q_r^{(N)}(T)$ is the ring polymer partition function per unit volume.

The Bennett-Chandler method is a useful method for computing rate constants when the event of a reactive crossing is rare. We start by expressing the RPMD rate coefficient in terms of thermal averages:

$$ k^{(N)}(T) = \lim_{t\to\infty}\frac{\langle \delta(q_s^{\ddagger} - \bar{q}_s)(\bar{p}_s/m) h(\bar{q}_s(t) - q_s^{\ddagger}) \rangle}{\langle h(q_s^{\ddagger} - \bar{q}_s)\rangle}. $$

This can be written as a product of two terms:

$$ k^{(N)}(T) = \kappa(\tau_p) k^{\text{QTST}}(T), $$

where $\tau_p$ is the plateau time. The transmission coefficient, $\kappa(t)$, is defined as:

$$ \kappa(t) = \frac{\langle \delta(q_s^{\ddagger} - \bar{q}_s)(\bar{p}_s/m_s) h(\bar{q}_s(t) - q_s^{\ddagger}) \rangle}{\langle \delta(q_s^{\ddagger} - \bar{q}_s) (\bar{p}_s/m_s) h(\bar{p}_s)\rangle}, $$

where we define $q_s$ ad the system reaction coordinate, $q_s^{\ddagger}$ as the transition state, $m_s$ as the system mass, and $\bar{q}_s$ and $\bar{p}_s$ as the centroid position and momentum of the ring polymer, respectively. The RPMD TST rate constant, $k^{\text{QTST}}(T)$, is given by

$$ k^{\text{QTST}}(T) = \frac{1}{(2\pi \beta m_s)^{1/2}}:p(q_s^0):\exp\left(-\beta\int_{q_s^0}^{q_s^{\ddagger}}\text{d}q_s'\frac{\text{d}\mathcal{F}(q_s')}{\text{d}q_s'}\right), $$

where $\mathcal{F}(q_s)$ is the free energy along the reaction coordinate, and $p(q_s^0)$ is the probability of the ring polymer centroid being at $q_s^0$, a point in the reactant well. For more details on the rate calculation mathematical background, see my Part III thesis.


Oli Bridge ( - St Catharine's College, Cambridge

This work is from my Part III project in the Althorpe group at the University of Cambridge, and has contributed to a publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics. If you use this code, please cite the following:

	title = {Quantum rates in dissipative systems with spatially varying friction},
	volume = {161},
	issn = {0021-9606},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1063/5.0216823},
	pages = {024110},
	number = {2},
	journaltitle = {The Journal of Chemical Physics},
	author = {Bridge, Oliver and Lazzaroni, Paolo and Martinazzo, Rocco and Rossi, Mariana and Althorpe, Stuart C. and Litman, Yair},
	date = {2024-07},


RPMD code for the paper "Quantum Rates in Dissipative Systems with Spatially Varying Friction", Oli Bridge et al., J. Chem. Phys., 2024. (








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