Repo of some introductory materials regarding LoRa and LoRaWAN radio technologies
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Here there are the material with some initial definitions that are useful for understanding the LoRa protocol
- Wikipedia definition of LoRa
- Chirp signaling at Wikipedia
- Chirp Spread Spectrum at Wikipedia
- What are LoRa® and LoRaWAN®?
- Introduction to IoT: Everything You Need to Know About LoRa and LoRaWAN
- The Things Network docs
- End Device Activation at The Things Network
What is the LoRaWAN® Specification:
What is LoRaWAN®:
An introduction to LoRa & LoRaWAN done by Semtech (the developers of LoRa specification):
Many key concepts of LoRa:
A even more complete introductory guide regarding LoRa and LoRaWAN:
A little bit more detailed explanation about OTAA & ABP activation modes (includes LoRa v1.1 specification):
- Signal-to-Noise Ratio - 13:16
- LoRa CHIRP - 3:50
- Everything you need to know about LoRaWAN in 60 minutes - 01:00:00
Free Udemy course (split in 8 chapters, with some extra resources):
Complete 1 hour straight video only:
What is SNR by Darryl Morrell's channel:
How does the CHIRP modulation works on LoRa networks:
Complete introductory material made available by video recording:
- On the LoRa Modulation for IoT: Waveform Properties and Spectral Analysis
- LoRaWAN protocol: specifications, security, and capabilities
Chiani, M., & Elzanaty, A. (2019). On the LoRa Modulation for IoT: Waveform Properties and Spectral Analysis. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1–1. doi:10.1109/jiot.2019.2919151
Alper Yegin, Thorsten Kramp, Pierre Dufour, Rohit Gupta, Ramez Soss, Olivier Hersent, Derek Hunt, Nicolas Sornin - 3 - LoRaWAN protocol: specifications, security, and capabilities, Editor(s): Bharat S. Chaudhari, Marco Zennaro, LPWAN Technologies for IoT and M2M Applications, Academic Press, 2020, Pages 37-63, ISBN 9780128188804, doi:B978-0-12-818880-4.00003-X.
- The Things Network docs (security)
Security FAQ (introduction to newbies):
Introductory concepts regarding the security aspect of LoRa and LoRaWAN:
TBD soon
- Increasing Key Randomness in Physical Layer Key Generation based on RSSI in LoRaWAN devices
P.I. da Cruz, R. Suyama and M.B. Loiola, Increasing key randomness in physical layer key generation based on RSSI in LoRaWAN devices, Physical Communication (2021), doi:10.1016/j.phycom.2021.101480.
The authors propose a method of key generation through PKG (Physical layer Key Generation) using MSD (Mean and Standard Deviation), LCDF (Lossy Cumulative Distribution Function) and RSC (joint between Reed-Solomon & Convolutional) on low mobility environments
To be continued... (Work in progress)
Aqui o material disponível em Português já que alguns podem achar melhor para entender, dado que é um assunto tremendamente técnico.
Coletânea de material introdutório.
- Página da Wikipedia sobre LoRa
- Página da Wikipedia sobre Chirp Spread Spectrum
Dica: A página está incompleta no momento, recomendo a leitura da versão em inglês
Vídeos podem ser uma ótima forma de aprender por conta das possibilidades que os recursos visuais trazem para o processo de aprendizado
- #11 - O QUE É LORAWAN? - 19:25
- #Aula3 - LoRa e LoRaWAN - Spreading Factor, Potência e AirTime - 13:55
- Camada Física de LoRa - 7:48
- IoT DevKit - LoRaWAN: Enviando Dados Via LoRaWAN - 1:12:55
Vídeo do canal Matheus Leal com uma introdução geral a vários conceitos da tecnologia LoRa:
Vídeo do canal Microgenios com uma explicação dos conceitos SW, PW & AT da tecnologia LoRa:
Vídeo do canal Vermont Rep com uma introdução aos conceitos basicos da camada física do protocolo LoRa:
Vídeo do canal RoboCore com uma explicação sobre como ativar um dispositivo (end device), com explicações sobre o código utilizado no Arduino:
This repo still as a work in progress, so updates are expected in the future.