these instructions are up to date as of OSX Ventura
- install homebrew
- configure this repo by:
- cloning it to wherever you'd like
- copying all files to your home directory
- setting the repo to track the home directory
git config core.worktree "/Users/<username>"
$ brew install macvim
$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
$ vim /.vimrc
$ :PluginInstall
- follow the instructions here to complete the YCM installation:
- note, should already be configured to your liking via .p10k.zsh - however, you can run
p10k configure
to re-tune the display to fit your fickle moods. - install powerlevel10k for zsh:
$ brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting
$ brew install zsh-autosuggestions
- configure iTerm
- import the iTerm profile found in
(Profiles > Open Profiles > Edit Profiles > Other Actions... > Import Json Profiles
) - select the newly imported profile as your iTerm profile
- if the above doesn't work, here are some items to jog your memory:
Keys > ...
Colors > Presets > .Presets/iTermCustomSolarizedDark.itermcolors
Text > Change Font > *.powerline
- script for syncing iTerm with OSX color scheme, forked from
- import the iTerm profile found in
- download hammer spoon
brew install --cask hammerspoon
- if for whatever reason the config files in this repo don't work, re-install following this guide: