Fipy is a simple package to help you copy files from one directory to another.
import { FileCopy } from 'fipy';
const fipy = new FileCopy({
source: 'my/source/folder',
destination: 'my/destination/folder',
fileGlob: /.*\.txt/,
recursive: true,
folderGlob: /.*/,
overwrite: false,
createDestinationFolder: true
fipy.on('fileCopied', (file, destinationFile) => {
console.log(`Copied ${file} to ${destinationFile}`);
The settings object is used to configure the file copy process. It has the following properties:
The source folder to copy files from. This is a required property.
Type: string
The destination folder to copy files to. This is a required property.
Type: string
The glob pattern to match files to copy. This is a required property.
Type: RegExp
Whether to copy files recursively. This is an optional property.
Type: boolean
The glob pattern to match folders to copy. Only used if recursive is true. This is an optional property.
Type: RegExp
Whether to overwrite existing files. This is an optional property.
Type: boolean
Whether to create the destination folder if it doesn't exist. Also creates subfolders if recursive is true. This is an optional property.
Type: boolean
Copies files from one directory to another.
Parameters: optional rename function.
The rename function is called for each file that is copied. It has the following parameters:
- file
: The filename that is being copied. Type: string
It must return a string with the new filename.
Emits the following events:
: Emitted when a file is copied. Parameters:file
: Emitted when an error occurs. Parameters:errorMessage
Moves files from one directory to another.
Parameters: optional rename function.
The rename function is called for each file that is moved. It has the following parameters:
- file
: The filename that is being moved. Type: string
It must return a string with the new filename.
Emits the following events:
: Emitted when a file is moved. Parameters:file
: Emitted when a file is deleted. Parameters:file
: Emitted when an error occurs. Parameters:errorMessage
Adds an event listener.
Available events:
: Emitted when a file is copied. Parameters:file
: Emitted when a file is deleted. Parameters:file
: Emitted when an error occurs. Parameters:errorMessage