The purpose of this project was to use well-used React functions as useState, useEffect, useContext and fetch. In addition, handling API-calls with REST-API was utilized. The objective was to create a website where the user could search for songs from the Spotify library and add them to a playlist. Which could be exported to the user's Spotify account.
- JavaScript
- React.js
- Spotify API
- Jest & React Testing Library
- Git
- Implicit Grant Flow Authorization
- OAuth 2.0
- Searching for songs in the Spotify library
- Adding songs to the playlist
- Removing songs from the playlist
- Renaming playlist
- Ability to add playlist to user's Spotify account
- Responsive for different screen sizes
- Ability to search for songs by artist
- Random song lyrics as placeholder in search bar
- Show 3 popular tracks as inspiration
© 2024 Oliver Wigren