Football (soccer) scouting via publicly available data.
Setup the repository and a virtual environment with requirements:
$ git clone
$ cd autoscout
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install -qr requirements.txt
Download Premier League 2021-22 outfield player data from fbref
via CLI:
$ python scripts/data/ --competition eng1 --season 2022 --type outfield
Download La Liga current season team data from fbref
(append --vs
to get data against the team):
$ python scripts/data/ --competition spa1 --season current --type team
Download Frenkie de Jong 2021-22 player match-by-match data from fbref
$ python scripts/data/ --dataset frenkie_de_jong --season 2022
Download Manchester United 2022-23 team match-by-match data from fbref
(append --vs
to get data against the team):
$ python scripts/data/ --dataset manchester_united --season 2023
Add to or alter config/fbref/matches.json
to add extra players or teams to the available list. Note that building a dataset of a large number of players and/or teams may require significant effort as each entity has a unique identifier which you must obtain. In future it may be possible to scrape an ID to player/team mapping but this is not currently supported.
Load data into a Pandas or Polars DataFrame
from autoscout import util
# Specify format="polars" for a Polars DataFrame
df = util.load_csv("data/fbref/eng1/2022/outfield.csv", format="pandas")
Combine DataFrame
s to create a single dataset, such as from multiple competitions or multiple seasons of the same competition.
from autoscout import preprocess
combined = preprocess.combine_data((df_1, df_2))
Plot a Midfielder radar chart, based on a loaded df
from autoscout import util
from autoscout.vis import radar
midfield_config = util.load_json("config/radar/midfield.json")
rdr, fig, ax = radar.plot_radar_from_config(df, midfield_config, "Fred")
Radar configurations can be customised and modified by editing the .json
fles in config/radar
. It is also possible to plot radars without a .json
configuration file using radar.plot_radar(...)
Plot rolling xG for and against chart for a team with dashed trend lines and shading the gap between xG For and xG Against, using a loaded team match by match df
from autoscout import preprocess
from autoscout.vis import chart
df = preprocess.rolling(df, ["xg_for", "xg_against"])
df["n"] = df.index
plot = chart.lines(
df, ["n", "n"], ["xg_for_roll_mean", "xg_against_roll_mean"],
colors=["green", "red"], legend_labels=["xG For", "xG Against"],
trends=True, vshade=(0, 1), title="10 game rolling average xG",
x_axis_label="Date", y_axis_label="xG"
Find 6 players in the dataset most similar to Paul Pogba in the statistics in columns
, after applying per 90 adjustment to normalize the data:
from autoscout import preprocess, search
columns = ["goals", "npxg", "assists", "xa"]
df = preprocess.adjust_per_90(df, columns)
similar_df = search.search_similar(df, columns, "Paul Pogba", num=6)
Filter a team dataset to contain only teams which have scored at least 50 goals and have exactly 19 players used:
from autoscout import util, search
criteria = {
"gte": { "goals": 50.0 },
"eq": { "players_used": 19.0 }
df_teams = util.load_csv("data/fbref/eng1/2022/team_for.csv")
matching_df =, criteria)
Create stylistic ratings for all players or teams in a dataset from a loaded df
, based on pre-existing configuration:
from autoscout import analyse, util
ratings_config = util.load_json("config/rating_inputs.json")
df = analyse.estimate_style_ratings(df, ratings_config)
Ratings based on custom defined sets of statistics can easily be computed by adding sections to rating_inputs.json
Reduce the dimensionality of 4 columns of a dataset df
into 2 columns. This is used by estimate_style_ratings()
to derive stylistic ratings from raw statistics, but may be useful for other purposes.
from autoscout import analyse
columns = ["goals", "assists", "xg", "xa"]
df["ga_rating"] = analyse.reduce_dimensions(df, columns, reducer=1)
A custom reducer from SciKit-Learn
can be specified in reduce_dimensions()
, otherwise an integer value for the output number of dimensions can be specified. This defaults to 1
if no value is specified.
Cluster players or teams into groups based on statistical similarities in the specified columns
from autoscout import analyse
columns = ["goals", "assists", "xg", "xa"]
df["cluster"] = analyse.cluster_records(df, columns, estimator="auto")
Again, a custom estimator from SciKit-Learn
can be specified in cluster_records()
, otherwise a KMeans
estimator is automatically fitted. The appropriate number of clusters is also automatically derived.
Adding new functionality to autoscout
, such as means of obtaining data from new sources or new analytical tools, is always of interest. Feel free to open a GitHub Issue with any suggestions.
├── requirements.txt
├── .gitignore
├── autoscout <- Python source root for autoscout
│ ├── data <- Code for acquiring data
│ └── vis <- Code for visualising data
├── config <- Configuration values for feeding to autoscout functions
├── scripts <- Reusable scripts for using autoscout
│ └── data <- Scripts for acquiring data for analysis via command line
├── data <- Downloaded data, not included in source control
└── notebooks <- Experimental notebooks, not included in source control