Asynchronous multi-vendor library for interacting with network devices
Support Telnet
- asyncio
- AsyncSSH
- Python >=3.5
- pyYAML
- Cisco IOS
- Cisco IOS XE
- Cisco IOS XR
- Cisco ASA
- Cisco NX-OS
- Cisco FTD
- HP Comware (like V1910 too)
- Fujitsu Blade Switches
- Mikrotik RouterOS
- Arista EOS
- Juniper JunOS
- Aruba AOS 6.X
- Aruba AOS 8.X
- Terminal
- Fortinet
Example of interacting with Cisco IOS devices:
import asyncio
import asyncnetfsm
async def task(param):
async with asyncnetfsm.create(**param) as ios:
# Testing sending simple command
out = await ios.send_command("show ver")
# Testing sending configuration set
commands = ["line console 0", "exit"]
out = await ios.send_config_set(commands)
# Testing sending simple command with long output
out = await ios.send_command("show run")
# Testing interactive dialog
out = await ios.send_command("conf", pattern=r'\[terminal\]\?', strip_command=False)
out += await ios.send_command("term", strip_command=False)
out += await ios.send_command("exit", strip_command=False, strip_prompt=False)
async def run():
dev1 = { 'username' : 'user',
'password' : 'pass',
'device_type': 'cisco_ios',
'ip': 'ip address',
dev2 = { 'username' : 'user',
'password' : 'pass',
'device_type': 'cisco_ios',
'ip': 'ip address',
devices = [dev1, dev2]
tasks = [task(dev) for dev in devices]
await asyncio.wait(tasks)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()