- Simple key-value storage
- Support multi-level array (dot delimited keys) structure.
Install package
composer require omaraligit/laravel-settings
Edit config/app.php (Skip this step if you are using laravel 5.5+)
service provider:
Create settings table
php artisan vendor:publish // you can change the database table name from the laravel-settings.php config file php artisan migrate
saveing a array (make sure the array is a key value array)
$array = [ "paypal"=>[ "real"=>[ "client_id"=>"paypal_real_client_id", "secret_id"=>"paypal_real_secret_id", ], "sandbox"=>[ "client_id"=>"paypal_sandbox_client_id", "secret_id"=>"paypal_sandbox_secret_id", ] ] ]; \OmarAliGit\Settings\Facades\Settings::save("payment",$array); /** * will save like this in the database * payment.paypal.real.client_id=paypal_real_client_id * payment.paypal.real.secret_id=paypal_real_secret_id ... */
saveing a string
\OmarAliGit\Settings\Facades\Settings::save("foo","bar"); /** * will save like this in the database * foo=bar */
deleting a key from the database secound option is false by default (make it true to delete sub keys) e.g. if you have foo.bar and foo.tar and the key you want to delete is foo the the 2 keys will be deleted other ways if falsee you need to enter the key.subkey.othersubkey if you want a specific key deletion
\OmarAliGit\Settings\Facades\Settings::delete($key, false);
getting a key from the database
\OmarAliGit\Settings\Facades\Settings::get($key) /** * will return a array like this if key has sub keys e.g. payment from erlier * [ * "payment"=>[ * "paypal"=>[ * "real"=>[ * "client_id"=>"paypal_real_client_id", * "secret_id"=>"paypal_real_secret_id", * ], * "sandbox"=>[ * "client_id"=>"paypal_sandbox_client_id", * "secret_id"=>"paypal_sandbox_secret_id", * ] * ] * ] * ] * or will return a string if the key is specific */
1.updating a key or keys if array is given (it'sthe same as saving with a third parameter that will create a key if not found by default it's false so a NotFoundException will be thrown if key is not created befour)