Dynamic Hydration for DTO's used by Transformers in API Platform .
composer require salamov/dto-hydrator
While using API Platform , using custom DTO's (defining custom input/output in the @ApiResource
) requires you to deal with custom
transformers specially when your DTO represents an Entity .
When using an input transformer i.e : after the request body is denormalized into a DTO , you should dehydrate the DTO i.e transform it to an entity in order to be persisted .
When using an output transformer i.e : after the entity is retrieved and waiting to be normalized , you should hydrate the DTO i.e transform the entity into a DTO in order to be displayed .
The embedded objects inside the Dto must be an
in order to generate the swagger documentation -
If the embedded objects defines
within the denormalized request body it will be referenced and the data will be updated , either it will be persisted as a newEntity
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
class OrderDto {
* @var integer $id
* @Groups({"order:read","order:put"})
protected $id;
* @var Customer $customer
* @Groups({"order:read","order:put"})
protected $customer;
* @var Product[] $products
* @Groups({"order:read","order:put"})
protected $products;
* @return int
public function getId(): int
return $this->id;
* @param int $id
public function setId(int $id)
$this->id = $id;
* @return Customer
public function getCustomer(): Customer
return $this->customer;
* @param Customer $customer
public function setCustomer(Customer $customer)
$this->customer = $customer;
* @return Product[]
public function getProducts(): array
return $this->products;
* @param Product[] $products
public function setProducts(array $products)
$this->products = $products;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Annotation\ApiResource;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Annotation\ApiProperty;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* @ORM\Table
* @ORM\Entity
* @ApiResource(
* itemOperations={
* "get":{
* "method":"get",
* "input":false,
* "output":OrderDto::class,
* "status":200,
* "normalization_context":{"groups":{"order:read"}}
* },
* "put":{
* "method":"put",
* "input":OrderDto::class,
* "output":OrderDto::class,
* "status":200,
* "denormalization_context":{"groups":{"order:put"}},
* "normalization_context":{"groups":{"order:read"}}
* }
* },
* collectionOperations={}
* )
class Order {
* @var integer
* @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
* @ApiProperty(identifier=true)
protected $id;
* @var Customer $customer
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Customer",cascade={"persist"})
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="customerId", referencedColumnName="id")
protected $customer;
* @var Product[] $products
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Product",cascade={"persist"})
protected $products;
* @return int
public function getId(): int
return $this->id;
* @param int $id
public function setId(int $id)
$this->id = $id;
* @return Customer
public function getCustomer(): Customer
return $this->customer;
* @param Customer $customer
public function setCustomer(Customer $customer)
$this->customer = $customer;
* @return Product[]
public function getProducts(): array
return $this->products;
* @param Product[] $products
public function setProducts(array $products)
$this->products = $products;
Above we defined an OrderDto
for the Order
Entity with two embedded objects
and Products
one is related to Order
by a ManyToOne
relations ship
and the other is related to Order
by a OneToMany
GET https://domain.com/api/orders/{id}
The above request will go first through your custom dataProvider (if you have one) retrieving
the Order
Entity to be transformed and normalized , if you defined an Ouput
for your @ApiResource
then you should define a transformer your transformer would look like this :
use DtoHydrator\Factory\DtoDtoFactory;
use DtoHydrator\Dto\Hydrator;
class OrderDtoOutputTransformer {
/** @var DtoFactory $factory */
protected $factory;
* OrderDtoOutputTransformer constructor.
* @param DtoFactory $factory
public function __construct(DtoFactory $factory) { $this->factory = $factory; }
* Checks whether the transformation is supported for a given data and context.
* @param object|array $data object on normalize / array on denormalize
* @param string $to
* @param array $context
* @return bool
public function supportsTransformation($data, string $to, array $context = []): bool
return OrderDto::class === $to && $data instanceof Order;
* Transforms the given object to something else, usually another object.
* This must return the original object if no transformation has been done.
* @param Order $order
* @param string $to
* @param array $context
* @return OrderDto
public function transform($order, string $to, array $context = []): OrderDto
$orderDto = new OrderDto();
return $orderDto;
PUT https://domain.com/api/orders/{id}
name:"Long Sleeves",
brand: "Gap"
name:"Short Sleves",
brand: "H&M"
The above request will be denormalized to your Input
class defined in the @ApiResource
then to your InputTransformer
in order to be transformed to an Entity
and persisted , so your InputTransformer
would look like this :
use DtoHydrator\Factory\DtoDtoFactory;
use DtoHydrator\Dto\Dehydrator;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
class OrderDtoInputTransformer {
/** @var DtoFactory $factory */
protected $factory;
/** @var EntityManagerInterface $entityManager */
protected $entityManager;
* OrderDtoInputTransformer constructor.
* @param DtoFactory $factory
* @param EntityManagerInterface $entityManager
public function __construct(DtoFactory $factory, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
$this->factory = $factory;
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
* Checks whether the transformation is supported for a given data and context.
* @param object|array $data object on normalize / array on denormalize
* @param string $to
* @param array $context
* @return bool
public function supportsTransformation($data, string $to, array $context = []): bool
return Order::class === $to && in_array('order:put',$context['groups']);
* Transforms the given object to something else, usually another object.
* This must return the original object if no transformation has been done.
* @param OrderDto $order
* @param string $to
* @param array $context
* @return Order
* @throws Throwable
public function transform($orderDto, string $to, array $context = []): Order
/** @var Order $order */
$order = $this->entityManager->getReference(Order::class, $orderDto->getId());
// in case you are creating a new order
// you will need to instantiate a new instance from order instead of referencing
return $order;
N.B : If your body/embedded body contains an id
it will be directly referenced to
the corresponding entity for that id
and the data will be updated , if not it will be created .
If you discover any security related issues, please email omarfawzi96@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.