All Files of Jhon Bryce 7732/3 Library Project - by Omer
This project spanning 2 weeks includes multiple files:
- front end file - the main file of the projects creating all the menues and everything
- library file - the "last line": the file taking all the seperate functions and classes and binding them together to all the major functions
- 3 JSON log files - customers, books, log - contain all the respective information - about the books and thier details, the customers and thier information, and a log of all loans and returnes *currently this file contains some sample information
- logger file - the "work horse" of my project - contains almost all of the functions that interact with the log files - all three of them.
- loan file - contains the loan class and all its respective functions
- customer file - contains the customer class and all its functions - also contains the writing to customer log function
- book file - contains the book class and the functions, also has the writing to books file function
- dates file - containing all functions regarding dates and datetime - taught me alot on how to use the module and interact with time in python
- address file - contains a simple class and some functions to interact with an effective address field for the customer class
languages used: python
pycharm plugins used: Sourcery - advices to make the code clearer and more effective
modules used: datetime, json, pprint, fuzzywuzzy, python-Levenshtein (for optimizing fuzzywuzzy)
files format: JSON
important notes:
using inside your computer CMD panel, or pycharm Terminal (if set to default computer CMD terminal):
PIP INSTALL Levenshtein - if it doesnt work try PIP INSTALL python-Levenstein
or manually installing from pycharm install the package to be able to use the program
due to a problem with debugging of strptime in my pycharm, i used string iteration to handle dates and such - i know its not a real solution, but i have kept all my original datetime code for comparison
and thats it,
this project was definitely a challenge, taking alot of time, quite a lot of sweat, a little bit of tears and many long nights coding,
this project taught me alot and exposed me to new modules, functions, methods, quite abit of bugs but was overall a great learning opportunity.
hope everything works and comes out okay.
thanks to this site for directing me to fuzzy wuzzy and python levenshtein