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A compatibility fix for the 'cogo-toast' library enabling seamless use with React 17 and newer versions.


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A compatibility fix for the popular 'cogo-toast' package that resolves dependency conflicts with React 17+.


The original cogo-toast library has a strict peer dependency on React 16. This causes installation and compatibility issues when used with React 17 or newer versions.


The 'cogo-toast-react-17-fix' package provides the necessary modifications to ensure that cogo-toast functions correctly within React 17+ environments.


npm install cogo-toast-react-17-fix


Import and use the provided cogoToast component exactly as you would in the original 'cogo-toast' package. There are no additional changes required.

import cogoToast from 'cogo-toast-react-17-fix';

cogoToast.success('This is a success message!');


import React from 'react';
import cogoToast from 'cogo-toast-react-17-fix';

const App = () => {
  const handleButtonClick = () => {
    cogoToast.error('This is an error message!');

  return (
    <button onClick={handleButtonClick}>Show Error Toast</button>

export default App;

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