Release 1.9.6
This is the first release of HQP on GitHub.
The most notable additions since the previous release 1.9.5 are:
- support for Mixed Integer Programming (hqp/Hqp_MipSolver.[hC])
- interface to lpsolve as example (hqp/Hqp_LPSolve.[hC]
- interface to the Pardiso solver for high-performance linear algebra (hqp/Hqp_IpPardiso.[hC])
- support for discrete-time S-functions
Bug fixes include:
- adaptations for new versions of GCC and Doxygen
- fix possible endless loop in hqp/Hqp_IpsMehrotra
- fix possible stall in omu/Prg_SFunctionOpt
See the ChangeLog file for more details.