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= Kalua =

Kalua is a free (as in freedom), light-weight, web based

== Current Status ==

Kalua is currently being developed using Ruby on Rails
( on the server side and
Adam Shaw's FullCalendar (
on the client side.

Everything that works is due to Adam and everything that
does not work is totally my fault.

== Demo / Reference Platform ==

Kalua is the software that drives
You can sign up there for free and try out Kalua.

Operations of are not yet 100% stable, but I
already use it as my primary calendar.

== Installing Kalua ==

Kalua is free software and can be installed anywhere.

It is a fairly standard Ruby on Rails application. There
should be a myriad of tutorials out there about how to install
a Rails application on your type of server/OS.

I recommend using Phusion Passenger (

With passenger, installation should look somewhat like this:

1) Copy files to server.
2) Run `bundler install` to install all the gems needed.
3) Setup database configuration in config/database.yml.
   (Tested with sqlite3 and MySQL)
4) Run `rake db:migrate` to setup database.
5) Enjoy.

== Contributing ==

Kalua is hosted @ github:

Feel free to fork and submit patches or simply report some 
bugs and feature requests.

== License ==

Kalua is licensed under an MIT license (see LICENSE).

© 2010 David Roetzel


light-weight, web-based calendar







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