This is version 3.1 of the Wyvern decentralized exchange protocol, designed to maximize the ease of positive-utility-sum multiparty transactions on a distributed ledger.
Check out documentation here.
Deployed contract addresses can be found in config.json.
Install dependencies with Yarn:
Run testrpc (ganache-cli) to provide a simulated EVM:
yarn testrpc
In a separate terminal, run the testuite:
yarn test [./test/xxx.js]
yarn run truffle test [--debug] [./test/xxx.js]
To debug a trasaction, run:
yarn run truffle debug [transaction hash]
Lint all Solidity files with:
yarn lint
Run static analysis tooling with:
yarn analyze
Edit truffle.js according to your deployment plans, then run:
yarn --frozen-lockfile
yarn run truffle deploy --network [mainnet/rinkeby/mumbai/...]
yarn run truffle run verify Migrations@[address] --network [network] --debug
yarn run truffle run verify WyvernAtomicizer@[address] --network [network] --debug
yarn run truffle run verify WyvernRegistry@[address] --network [network] --debug
yarn run truffle run verify WyvernExchange@[address] --network [network] --debug
yarn run truffle run verify WyvernStatic@[address] --network [network] --debug
yarn run truffle run verify StaticMarket@[address] --network [network] --debug