pip install python-protobuf
from pyproto import Protobuf
print("Test the conversion between protobuf and bytes")
bs = bytes.fromhex("12001a0022020801") # A section of bytes data of protobuf
print("src:", bs.hex())
proto = ProtoBuf(bs) # Convert bytes to protobuf objects
proto.dump() # print proto object
bs2 = proto.toBuf() # Convert the proto object to bytes
print(bs2 == bs, bs2.hex())
print("Mutual conversion between proto object and dict object")
# A complex dict object
d = {
6: {
1: {
1: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ODYxODAyNjMyNjcwMA.KGj7v_WjlntNODpPNe4fVbJA5sPhLjZbQidBLhcrGVM"
3: "5******7@*****.com",
4: {1: 6},
5: {1: 1},
6: {2: "", 3: "", 4: {1: 1}},
# An unassigned dict object template
d2 = {6: {1: {1: ""}, 3: "", 4: {1: 0}, 5: {1: 0}, 6: {2: "", 3: "", 4: {1: 0}}}}
print("src:", d)
pb = ProtoBuf(d) # Convert dict object to protobuf object
d3 = pb.toDict(d2) # Convert protobuf object to dict object
print("d3 == d2 ->", d3 == d2, d3 is d2, d3)
print("d3 == d ->", d3 == d, d3 is d)