Audio synthesis and virtual acoustics for Rhino Grasshooper based on image source model room simulation.
For future more information see here.
This release consists on python code runing underneath a collection of Grasshooper components.
This is an early experimental version.
Duerer is part of a research done at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology of the Zurich University of the Arts.
The first use would consist on:
- generating, or importing, a tree of meshes.
- setting meshes acoustic properties and rendering parameters (those do not have to be realistic and outcomes can be used as a virtual acoustic or synthesis tool).
- place virtual sources and microphones into those meshes.
- (define directivities for sources and microphones).
- define sound sources.
- rendering as a multichannel impulse response file (each channel is a microphone) and possibly a convolved file made with sound sources.
One possible use would consist on rendering multichannel impulse responses from a beam of microphones or a virtual eigenmike; thus playing with directivity, delays and virtual ambisonics.
Another use would be using specific meshes to generate physical models audio synthesis from finite elements method.
It can for instance be used for form finding using genetic algorithm solvers like galapagos for instance. That is a part of that research at ICST.
Available Grasshooper components:
Components dealing with spectral absorption for each mesh face:
Project is: in progress
- Many thanks to Jasch, Toro-Pérez Germán for their support and Robin Scheibler for his tremendous work on Pyroomacoustics. I would have never done that work without the support of ICST at the Zurich University of the Arts Zurich University of the Arts.
Created by Olivier Pasquet.