R code for 'Macroalgal cover on coral reefs: spatial, environmental and biotic predictors, and decadal trends in the Great Barrier Reef'
This code is provided as supplementary information to the paper:
Fabricius KE, Crossman K, Jonker M, Mongin M, Thompson A (in press, 2022). Macroalgal cover on coral reefs: spatial, environmental and biotic predictors, and decadal trends in the Great Barrier Reef. PLOS One
Data Location:
The data used in this analysis can be obtained from Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). (2022). One-off swim surveys recording total macroalgal cover in the Great Barrier Reef, and their spatial and environmental predictors. https://apps.aims.gov.au/metadata/view/b2033dc8-e620-45a7-bcea-e651aa30fa51
The paper has three parts, part one and two are based on the one-off swin survey data, with analysis based of REA and 5_Final_Macroalgal-analyses_2022_10.R. Part three is analysis on the LTMP data (temporal). The LTMP data is available on request.
Developer: Fabricius, K and Crossman, K. Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
Interested users of this code should contact AIMS