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Datafiles API description

naare edited this page Sep 16, 2020 · 25 revisions


This document describes the methods used for datafile container manipulation.

Creating container

Method for creating container structure.

Method URL
POST /containers

Request parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
containerName String + Name of the container.
dataFiles Array + Array containing data file objects.
dataFile Object + Object containing information of data files.
dataFile.fileName[0] String + Name of the data file. Folder structure for data files is not supported.
dataFile.fileContent[0] String + PLACEHOLDER

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
containerId String + Container ID that is used to identify the container in use.

Upload container

Method for uploading datafile container.

Method URL
POST /upload/containers

Request parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
containerName String + Name of the container.
container String + Base64 encoded container.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
containerId String + Container ID that is used to identify the container in use.

Add datafiles to unsigned container

Method for adding data files to container. NB! It is possible to add data files only to unsigned container!

Method URL
POST /containers/{containerId}/datafiles

Request parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
dataFiles Array - Array containing data file objects.
dataFile Object + Object containing information of data files.
dataFile[0].fileName String + Name of the data file. Folder structure for data files is not supported.
dataFile[0].fileContent String + PLACEHOLDER

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
result String + OK on success.

Get data files list

Method for retrieving container data file list.

Method URL
GET /containers/{containerId}/datafiles

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
dataFiles Array - Array containing data file objects.
dataFile Object + Object containing data files information.
dataFile[0].fileName String + Name of the data file.
dataFile[0].fileContent String + PLACEHOLDER

Delete datafile from unsigned container

Method for deleting data files from container. NB! It is possible to remove data files only from unsigned container!

Method URL
DELETE /containers/{containerId}/datafiles/{datafileName}

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
result String + OK on succes.

Start remote signing

Method for generating data to be signed externally

Method URL
POST /containers/{containerId}/remotesigning

Request parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
signingCertificate String + DER encoded X.509 signers certificate in Base64.
signatureProfile String + Profile of the signature. Available values LT - TimeStamp based and LT_TM - TimeMark based signatures.
roles Array - Array of strings describing the signer role.
signatureProductionPlace object - Object containing signing location.
signatureProductionPlace.countryName String - Signing country. String - Signing city.
signatureProductionPlace.stateOrProvince String - Signing state or province.
signatureProductionPlace.postalCode String - Signing postal code.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
generatedSignatureId String + Signature ID needed for finalization of signature.
dataToSign String + Data to be signed on client side. XML structure to be signed encoded in Base64.
digestAlgorithm String + Digest algorithm used to calculate dataToSign. Service uses SHA512.

Finalize remote signing

Method for returning signature value to service

Method URL
PUT /containers/{containerId}/remotesigning/{signatureId}

Request parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
signatureValue String + Signature value created by client encoded in Base64. Signature must be created using the algorithm returned in POST /containers/{containerId}/remotesigning response (SHA512).

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
result String + OK is returned.

Start Mobile-ID signing

Method for starting Mobile-ID signing of container

Method URL
POST /containers/{containerId}/mobileidsigning

Request parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
personIdentifier String + Signers personal national identification code.
phoneNo String + Signers phone number with +372 prefix.
language String + Language for user dialog in mobile phone. 3-character capitalized acronyms are used. Possible values: ENG, EST, RUS, LIT.
messageToDisplay String - Text displayed in addition to ServiceName and before asking PIN2. Maximum length is 40 bytes. In case of Latin letters, this means also a 40 character long text, but Cyrillic characters may be encoded by two bytes and you will not be able to send more than 20 symbols.
signatureProfile String + Profile of the signature. Available values LT - TimeStamp based and LT_TM - TimeMark based signatures.
roles Array - Array of strings describing the signer role.
signatureProductionPlace object - Object containing signing location.
signatureProductionPlace.countryName String - Signing country. String - Signing city.
signatureProductionPlace.stateOrProvince String - Signing state or province.
signatureProductionPlace.postalCode String - Signing postal code.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
generatedSignatureId String + Signature ID needed for finalization of signature.
challengeId String + 4-character control code calculated on basis of the Challenge value to be signed. This code is displayed on mobile phone's screen and must be also displayed by integrating web service in order to ensure the user on authencity of the query.

In case of not MID user and revoked/suspended certificate error is returned.

For testing in Demo environment TEST Mobile-ID number can be found here

Request Mobile-ID signing status

Method for requesting status of the signing process (signer to enter a PIN on the mobile device). This method should be polled with interval while the status is OUTSTANDING_TRANSACTION in all other statuses polling should be stopped.

Method URL
GET /containers/{containerId}/mobileidsigning/{signatureId}/status

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
midStatus String +
  • SIGNATURE – signature was successfully created;
  • OUTSTANDING_TRANSACTION – signing is still on the way, the status query shall be repeated;
  • EXPIRED_TRANSACTION – service timed out before user managed to complete the signing;
  • USER_CANCEL – the user refused or cancelled the signing proces;
  • MID_NOT_READY – the Mobile-ID of the SIM is not yet ready for the operations;
  • INTERNAL_ERROR – technical error.
  • NOT_VALID - signature is not valid
  • SENDING_ERROR – other error when sending message (phone is incapable of receiving the message, error in messaging server etc.);
  • SIM_ERROR – SIM application error;
  • PHONE_ABSENT – phone is switched off or out of coverage;

Start Smart-ID signing

Method for starting Smart-ID signing of container.

Method URL
POST /containers/{containerId}/smartidsigning

Request parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
personIdentifier String + Signers personal national identification code.
country String + Signers country of residence. 2 character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
messageToDisplay String - Text displayed in addition to ServiceName and before asking PIN2. Maximum length is 40 bytes. In case of Latin letters, this means also a 40 character long text, but Cyrillic characters may be encoded by two bytes and you will not be able to send more than 20 symbols.
signatureProfile String + Profile of the signature. Available values LT - TimeStamp based and LT_TM - TimeMark based signatures.
roles Array - Array of strings describing the signer role.
signatureProductionPlace Object - Object containing signing location.
signatureProductionPlace.countryName String - Signing country. String - Signing city.
signatureProductionPlace.stateOrProvince String - Signing state or province.
signatureProductionPlace.postalCode String - Signing postal code.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
generatedSignatureId String + Signature ID needed for finalization of signature.
challengeId String + 4-character control code calculated on basis of the Challenge value to be signed. This code is displayed on mobile phone's screen and must be also displayed by integrating web service in order to ensure the user on authencity of the query.

Request Smart-ID signing status

Method for requesting status of the signing process.

Method URL
GET /containers/{containerId}/smartidsigning/{signatureId}/status

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
sidStatus String +
  • RUNNING – process is ongoing;
  • COMPLETE – process is complete;

Request signature list of given container

Method for returning all the signers of the container.

Method URL
GET /containers/{containerId}/signatures

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
signatures Array - Array of signature objects.
signature Object + Object containing signature information.
signature[0].id String + Signature id taken from signature.
signature[0].generatedSignatureId String + Unique signature id generated by the service to enable manipulation of signatures.
signature[0].signerInfo String + Signers certificate DN field. Example "SERIALNUMBER=PNOEE-38001085718, GIVENNAME=JAAK-KRISTJAN, SURNAME=JÕEORG, CN="JÕEORG,JAAK-KRISTJAN,38001085718", C=EE".
signature[0].signatureProfile String + Signature profile.

Request signer info on given signature

Method of returning information on a specific signer of the container.

Method URL
GET /containers/{containerId}/signatures/{signatureId}

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
id String + Signature id taken from signature
signerInfo String + Signers certificate DN field. Example "SERIALNUMBER=PNOEE-38001085718, GIVENNAME=JAAK-KRISTJAN, SURNAME=JÕEORG, CN="JÕEORG,JAAK-KRISTJAN,38001085718", C=EE".
signatureProfile String + Signature profile.
ocspCertificate String - Certificate of OCSP provider.
timeStampTokenCertificate String - Certificate of timestamp provider.
ocspResponseCreationTime String - OCSP creation time.
timeStampCreationTime String - Timestamp creation time.
trustedSigningTime String - Time considered as trusted signature creation time. Can be either timestamp or OCSP time, depending on signature profile.
signingCertificate String + Signers certificate.
claimedSigningTime String + Computer time on signature creation. This is not trusted signing time!
roles Array - Array of strings describing the signer role.
signatureProductionPlace object - Object containing signing location.
signatureProductionPlace.countryName String - Signing country. String - Signing city.
signatureProductionPlace.stateOrProvince String - Signing state or province.
signatureProductionPlace.postalCode String - Signing postal code.

Request validation of container in session

Method for retrieving validation report (simple report from SIVA service is returned).

Method URL
GET /containers/{containerId}/validationreport

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
validationConclusion Object + Check SIVA validationConclusion block

Request validation of container without session

Method for validating a container.

Method URL
POST /containers/validationreport

Request parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
containerName String + Name of the container.
container String + Base64 encoded container. ASIC-E, BDOC and DDOC forms are supported.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
validationConclusion Object + Check SIVA validationConclusion block

Request container

Method for retrieving the container.

Method URL
GET /containers/{containerId}

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
containerName String + Name of the container.
container String + Base64 encoded container. ASIC-E, BDOC and DDOC forms are supported.

Delete container

Method for deleting container in use. This closes the active "session". It is recommended to delete container after usage as unclosed sessions may max out allowed connections count for the service.

Method URL
DELETE /containers/{containerId}

Response parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
result String + OK is returned

Error responses

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
errorCode String + Error code
errorMessage String + Error description