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Hashcode API main flows

ivoMattus edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 1 revision


SIGA provides REST based interface for creating and signing ASIC-E based containers. Following use cases (given for hashcode enpoints) give overview of steps needed to sign a document. The flows show the sequence of needed steps, please check API description for exact parameters for each request/response.

The service provides its API description in WADL form and in human readable form

Create hashcode container and sign with Mobile-ID

Upload signed hashcode container and sign externally (with ID card)

Create hashcode container and sign with Smart-ID

Create hashcode container and sign with Smart-ID with known document number.

This case is only possible if Smart-ID documentNumber is previously known for the integrating service. For example there has been authentication with Smart-ID before signing and documentNumber has been stored for later use in signing.

Validate hashcode container

  1. Validate created container in session
  2. Validate uploaded container in session
  3. Validate container without a session