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CDOC2 Key Shares Server

CDOC2 Key Shares Server for CDOC2.

Implements cdoc2-key-shares-openapi OpenAPI spec from cdoc2-openapi for Key Shares upload/download. Used by cdoc2-java-ref-impl and DigiDoc4-Client for CDOC2 encryption/decryption Smart-ID/Mobile-ID scenarios.


  • server - Implements /key-shares API-s.
  • server-db - shared DB code. Liquibase based DB creation
  • server-openapi - server stub generation from OpenAPI specifications

Preconditions for building

  • Java 17
  • Maven 3.8.x
  • Docker available and running (required for running tests, use -Dmaven.test.skip=true to skip)

Maven dependencies

Depends on:

Configure github package repo access

Example <profile> section of settings.xml for using cdoc2 dependencies:


Note: When pulling, the package index is based on the organization level, not the repository level.

So defining single Maven package repo from open-eid is enough for pulling cdoc2-* dependencies.

Building & Running

Build cdoc2-shares-server with CI

mvn clean install

To build Docker images:

[INFO] Successfully built image ''
[INFO] Successfully created image tag ''

GitHub workflow build

Maven build is executed for GH event pull_request an and push to 'master'.

GH build workflow configures Maven repository automatically. For fork based pull_requests Maven repo value will be set to github.event.pull_request.base.repo.full_name (open-eid/*). It can be overwritten by defining repository variable MAVEN_REPO


See and

Running pre-built Docker/OCI images

Pre-built images can be found


docker compose up -d
curl -k https://localhost:18443/actuator/info
echo "Run 'docker compose down' to shut down 'cdoc2-shares-server'"
curl -i -k -X POST https://localhost:8443/key-shares \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{"share":"dGVzdHRlc3R0ZXN0dGVzdHRlc3R0ZXN0dGVzdHRlc3QK","recipient":"etsi/PNOEE-30303039914"}'
HTTP/1.1 201 
Location: /key-shares/ee368ad654142dda1d9d8e00744df2c8

For more info see and other existing configurations:

For end-to-end tests see cdoc2-java-ref-impl/test/bats/

GitHub release

Create release. Tag name is used as built image version, so it should start with shares-server version from shares-server/pom.xml. It will trigger maven-release.yml workflow that will deploy Maven packages to GitHub Maven package repository and build & publish Docker/OCI images. Docker images are published to