gp_relsizes_stats is an extension for the Greenplum database that calculates and stores statistics on the size of files and tables, occupied space on the disks of the master and segment hosts.
- BackgroundWorker support for collecting statistics automatically
- the ability to fine-tune the timeout values between actions, for example, between launches for different databases, or during file processing to distribute the load over time
At the moment, the program is being tested only for GP6 and Linux.
Install from source:
git clone
cd gp_relsizes_stats
# Build it. Building would require GP installed nearby and sourcing
source <path_to_gp>/
make && make install
gp_relsizes_stats configuration parameters:
Parameter | Type | Default | Default |
gp_relsizes_stats.enabled |
bool | false | Using gp_relsizes_stats.enabled you can enable/disable background stats collection for database where extension installed (actually enable/disable background worker which collecting stats). |
gp_relsizes_stats.restart_naptime |
int | 21600000 | Using gp_relsizes_stats.restart_naptime you can set naptime between each startup of collecting process. Value set time in milliseconds. Default is equal to 6 hours. |
gp_relsizes_stats.database_naptime |
int | 0 | Using gp_relsizes_stats.database_naptime you can set naptime between collecting stats for each databases. Value set time in milliseconds. Default is equal to 0 milliseconds. |
gp_relsizes_stats.file_naptime |
int | 1 | Using gp_relsizes_stats.file_naptime you can set naptime between each file stats calculating. Value set time in milliseconds. Default is equal to 1 millisecond. |
You can use a background worker to collect statistics, but if you sometimes need to change the format of the settings or if you don't want to collect statistics on a regular basis, you can do so. In these situations, you could set
gp_relsizes_stats.enabled = off
And use the function
which can be called manually using 'select'. It will launch a single statistics collection procedure.
Name of tbale | Row description | Description |
relsizes_stats_schema.segment_file_sizes | (segment, relfilenode, filepath, size, mtime) | Current size and last modify time of each file of specific relation on specific segment |
relsizes_stats_schema.namespace_sizes | (nspname, nspsize) | Current size of namespace |
relsizes_stats_schema.table_sizes | (nspname, relname, relsize) | Current size of relation in specific namespace |
relsizes_stats_schema.table_sizes_history | (insert_date, nspname, relname, size, mtime) | Size and last modify time of relation in specific namespace with date when information was collected |