Please first create a venv:
For windows users:
python -m venv [VENV_NAME]
to activate:
for linux/mac users
virtualenv venv --python=python3
to activate:
source venv/bin/activate
For a detailed help message and optional flags, please use:
studentresume --help
Clone the repo:
git clone
Navigate to the repo:
cd studentresume
Install the package using Poetry (preferred):
poetry install
If authenticated to publish to pypi
poetry publish --build
provided files:
sample.resume.json - a sample resume.json
schema.json - the schema for resume.json files
theme-schema.json - the schema for theme.json files
../themes/* - location of default theme files
requiredFields.json - required fields if required is true then field must exist with the listed fields being filled if required false if the field is present then the listed fields must be filled
studentresume stands on the backs of giants ReportLab, Typer, rich, JSON Resume, and NerdFonts
This project is licenced under the terms of the MIT license