Code inspired from => Automated Backup on Linux. Thanks!
MySQL & Postgres database (DB) backup.
- Create database backup user on the server hosting the database
connect to the server (ssh) and get into mysql prompt by using
$ mysql -u root -p
MySQL command
mysql> USE mysql;
mysql> CREATE USER 'db-bkp-user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'db-bkp-user'@'localhost';
- Create a "linux-bkp-user" on backup server & install mysql-client on backup server
sudo adduser linux_bkp_user
sudo apt install default-mysql-client
- Create a ~/.mysql-conf-file.cnf file in home dir of with host, user, port & password
mysql-conf-file default to backup.conf file when renamed. If not, it will be the HOST_IP
For info, it is currently not possible to use config-editor with mysql-client
- Ensure that port 3306 is open on DB server
- DB backup user on the server hosting the database
PSQL command
psql> CREATE USER 'db-bkp-user' PASSWORD 'P@ssW0rd';
psql> GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE mydb TO 'db-bkp-user';
psql> GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA mySchema TO 'db-bkp-user';
- Ensure that pg_hba.conf of DB server is configured to accept remote connect from Backup server (ip ex:
host all all md5
- Add .pgpass file in home dir of specific linux user (linux_backup_user) of backup server /home/linux_backup_user/.pgpass*:db-bkp-user:P@ssW0rd
- Install postgres client on backup server
sudo apt install postgresql-client
- Ensure that port 5432 is open on DB server
Connect to your backup server and clone the repository where you want. Be aware that the user running the main backup script must have write access on backup dir and db-backup dir
cd /path-to-db-backup
git clone
Copy backup.conf.sample
and rename it with .conf
extension and a name based on DB host server to backup, like: php-prod.conf, pg-test.conf, myconfig.conf
cp backup.conf.sample myconfig.conf
with -c option followed by the conf file name
./path-to-db-backup/ -c myconfig.conf
Without -c parameter,
reads backup.conf
file as default.
- MySQL backup
If MYSQL_WHEN_DB_UPD variable is set to "YES", the list of DB to backup is prefetched based on last modification date of databases.
If anything else is set into MYSQL_WHEN_DB_UPD variable, the whole list of available database will be backed up except if you filled in the DB_LIST variable.
SELECT CONCAT(table_schema,';',date_format(max(update_time),'%Y-%m-%d')) as COLNAME \
FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema IN $DBS GROUP BY table_schema;
Data collected for DB backup is stored in files in mysql_bkp_work/
folder. Cfr. script ./scripts/
- Postgres backup
The whole list of DB is always backed up no matter if it has been modified or not.
SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE not datistemplate AND datname != 'postgres' AND datname !~ 'tmp_*'
Cfr. script ./scripts/
crontab -e
33 12 * * * /path-to-db-backup/ -c /path-to-db-backup/myconfig.config
Access and backup different DB by creating different conf files and cron jobs.
Delete the folder containing the scripts
rm -rf /path-to-db-backup