The following list of projects use the
openPMD standard
to describe their data. For additional information, we list
third-party projects marked with a (third party
) to acknowledge the
the work provided in those for our format handling.
- openPMD Standard
- domain: the fundamental, technical documents that serve as a basis for the whole openPMD environment
- maintainer and initial author: A Huebl @ax3l
- contributions: full list of contributors
- repository (CC-BY 4.0)
- status:
PIConGPU (HZDR, Germany)
- domain: electro-dynamic particle-in-cell code
- repository (GPLv3+/LGPLv3+)
- maintainers: A Huebl @ax3l, M Bussmann @bussmann et al.
- status: implemented (base standard + ED-PIC)
Warp (LBNL & LLNL, United States)
- domain: electro-dynamic/static particle-in-cell code
- repository (BSD-3-Clause-LBNL)
- maintainers: JL Vay @jlvay, D Grote @dpgrote, R Lehe @RemiLehe et al.
- status: implemented (base standard + ED-PIC)
WarpX (LBNL & LLNL, United States)
- domain: electro-dynamic/static particle-in-cell code
- repository (BSD-3-Clause-LBNL)
- maintainers: JL Vay @jlvay, D Grote @dpgrote, R Lehe @RemiLehe, M Thevenet @MaxThevenet, A Huebl @ax3l et al.
- status: implemented (base standard + ED-PIC)
FBPIC (LBNL, CFEL Hamburg University)
- domain: electro-dynamic particle-in-cell code with spetral solver and Fourier-Bessel decomposition in cylindrical geometry
- repository (BSD-3-Clause-LBNL)
- maintainers: R Lehe @RemiLehe, M Kirchen @MKirchen et al.
- status: implemented (base standard + ED-PIC)
Wake-T (DESY, Germany)
- domain: fast particle-tracking code for plasma-based accelerators
- repository (GPLv3+)
- maintainers: A Ferran Pousa @AngelFP
- status: implemented (base standard)
SimEx Platform (EUCALL, European XFEL)
- domain: software platform for simulation of advanced photon experiments
- repository (GPLv3+)
- maintainer: C Fortmann-Grote @CFGrote
- status: implemented (base standard)
- domain: particle accelerator & free-electron laser (FEL) modeling
- repositories:
- maintainers: C Mayes @ChristopherMayes et al.
- status: implemented (base standard + BeamPhysics + Wavefront)
ParaTAXIS (HZDR, Germany)
- domain: parallel tracer for arbitrary X-ray interaction and scattering
- repository (GPLv3+)
- maintainers: M Bussmann @bussmann et al.
- original author: A Grund @Flamefire
- status: implemented (base standard for X-ray laser & density profiles)
OSIRIS (UCLA, USA and IST, Portugal)
- domain: electro-dynamic particle-in-cell code
- repository: closed, available through MoU
- maintainers: OSIRIS Consortium (UCLA/IST)
- original author: R G Hemker (UCLA)
- an openPMD fork for OSIRIS 4.0 is available from UCLA; existing grid data can be converted from the previous OSIRIS file format to openPMD format by using the python library
- domain: 2-1/2D electromagnetic particle-in-cell code
- repository (UCLA-NC)
- maintainer: F Tsung @tsung1029
- original author: V Decyk
- status: implemented
Sirepo/Warp PBA (RadiaSoft, USA)
- domain: 2-1/2D r-z electromagnetic PIC for beam-plasma and laser-plasma
- repository
- free use
- maintainers: P Moeller @moellep, R Nagler @robnagler, D Bruhwiler @bruhwiler
- original UI authors: P Moeller @moellep, R Nagler @robnagler
- original code authors: JL Vay @jlvay, D Grote @dpgrote
- status: implemented
Sirepo/Warp VND (RadiaSoft, USA)
- domain: 2D and 3D Cartesian electrostatic PIC with complex boundaries and dielectrics
- repository
- free use
- maintainers: P Moeller @moellep, R Nagler @robnagler, N Cook @ncook882
- original UI authors: P Moeller @moellep, R Nagler @robnagler, N Cook @ncook882
- original code authors: D Grote @dpgrote, JL Vay @jlvay
- status: implemented
- domain: 3D GPU-capable quasi-static particle-in-cell code for plasma acceleration
- repository (BSD-3-Clause-LBNL)
- maintainers: M Thevenet @MaxThevenet, S Diederichs @SeverinDiederichs, A Huebl @ax3l et al.
- status: implemented
- domain: 3D parallel electromagnetics code suite
- repository: closed, available through MoU
- maintainers: Lixin Ge @lge, Cho-Kuen Ng @cho
- original code authors: Lixin Ge @lge, Cho-Kuen Ng @cho
- status:
- implemented – conversion tool for EM field on unstructured grid to structured grid (David A. Bizzozero, Ji Qiang, Lixin Ge, Zenghai Li, Cho-Kuen Ng Liling Xiao, "Multi-objective optimization with an integrated electromagnetics and beam dynamics workflow", Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1020 (2021) 165844).
- to be implemented - particles data on base standard.
CarpetX, a new AMR driver intended for the Einstein Toolkit
- domain: relativistic astrophysics (black holes, neutron stars, core-collapse supernovae, and more)
- maintainers: Roland Haas, Erik Schnetter
- repository:
- status: openPMD is fully supported for reading/writing/checkpointing/recovery for 3D grids, including support for adaptive mesh refinement
Synergia3 (FNAL, USA)
- domain: accelerator modeling and simulation
- repository
- current maintainers: Eric Stern, Marc Paterno, James Amundson, Sajid Ali
- original code authors: James Amundson, Steve Goldhaber, Paul Lebrun, Qiming Lu, Alexandru Macridin, Leo Michelotti (CHEF libraries), Chong Shik Park, Panagiotis Spentzouris and Eric Stern
- status: openPMD I/O is implemented for bunch I/O and statistics. Internal checkpoints still use custom HDF5 formats, but these would likely be moved to openPMD in the future.
MALA (Materials Learning Algorithms) (CASUS, SNL)
- domain: ML models that replace density functional theory (DFT) calculations
- repository: (BSD 3-Clause License)
- maintainers: Attila Cangi & Sivasankaran Rajamanickam (scientific supervision), Lenz Fiedler & Jon Vogel (code maintenance)
- status: openPMD implemented as a feature-complete alternative to the default Numpy I/O
Quokka (ANU, MSU)
- domain: radiation hydrodynamics for astrophysics
- repository: (MIT License)
- maintainers: Mark Krumholz, Ben Wibking
- original author: Ben Wibking
- status: openPMD implemented for outputs (cell-centered only)
openPMD-viewer (LBNL, CFEL Hamburg University)
- domain: high level python api and interactive IPython notebook GUI
- repository (BSD-3-Clause-LBNL)
- maintainer: R Lehe @RemiLehe et al.
- status: implemented
yt project (Members,
third party
)- domain: analysis and visualization
- repository (BSD-3-Clause)
- openPMD tutorial
- openPMD wishlist/issue tracker
- maintainers: yt project members (HZDR: openPMD reader contribution by @C0nsultant)
- status:
- 3.4.0+: implemented (HDF5 reader for base standard: 1.0.0-1.0.1)
- 3.5.0+: implemented (HDF5 reader for base standard: 1.0.0-1.1.0)
VisIt (LLNL,
third party
)- domain: analysis and visualization
- repository (BSD-3-Clause)
- plugin repository (BSD-3-Clause-LBNL)
- maintainers: VisIt collaborators (LBNL: reader plugin contribution by M Lobet @xxirii, ORNL: mainlined by D Pugmire @dpugmire)
- status:
- 3.1.0+: implemented (HDF5 reader for base standard: 1.0.0-1.1.0)
- note: needs renaming of
files for detection to.opmd
- future: generalize to openPMD-api reader (ADIOS, HDF5, JSON)
ParaView (Kitware,
third party
)- domain: analysis and visualization
- repository (BSD-3-Clause)
- maintainers: Kitware (reader plugin contribution by B Geveci @berkgeveci and A Huebl @ax3l)
- status:
- 5.9+: implemented an openPMD-api reader plugin (ADIOS, HDF5, JSON) for base standard (particles & 3D meshes)
- 5.10+: added support for 1D and 2D meshes
- note: needs a helper text file ending on
containing a line with the openPMD-api Series filename, e.g."data_%T.bp"
VisualPIC (DESY, Germany)
- domain: high-level Python API (+GUI) for data analysis and interactive 2D/3D visualization
- repository (GPLv3+)
- maintainer: A Ferran Pousa @AngelFP
- status: implemented (reads data via openPMD-viewer)
postpic (U Jena, Germany)
- domain: post-processing and visualization tool for particle-in-cell data
- repository (GPLv3+)
- maintainer: S Kuschel @skuschel
- status: implemented (HDF5 reader for base standard + ED-PIC)
PlasmaPy (Members,
third party
)- domain: plasma physics analysis
- repository (BSD-3-Clause)
- maintainers: Nick Murphy @namurphy, Dominik Stańczak @StanczakDominik et al. (reader implemented by Ritiek Malhotra @ritiek)
- status:
- 0.2.0+: implemented (HDF5 reader for base standard: 1.0.0-1.0.1)
APtools (DESY, Germany)
- domain: ollection of tools for accelerator physics
- repository (GPLv3+)
- maintainer: A Ferran Pousa @AngelFP
- status: implemented (read/write particle distributions following the base standard)
- domain: post-processing and visualization tool for particle-in-cell data
- repository (BSD-3-Clause)
- maintainer: H. Wen (@Wen-Han)
- status: implemented
openPMD-beamphysics (SLAC, USA)
- domain: tools for analyzing and viewing particle accelerator data in the openPMD standard, extension beamphysics
- repository (Apache License 2.0)
- maintainers: C Mayes @ChristopherMayes et al.
- status: implemented (base standard + BeamPhysics)
PP Ana (GSI)
- domain: parallel python post processor
- repository
- maintainers: Denis Bertini @denisbertini
- status: implemented (base standard)
Note: For third-party frameworks, the general idea is to implement our readers upstream as soon as they are working.
Please check the individual repositories and feel free to contribute.
openPMD-api (HZDR, Germany and LBNL, USA)
- domain: C++ & Python API for writing & reading (BP, HDF5, JSON, ...), serial & parallel (MPI)
- repository (LGPLv3+)
- maintainers: F Poeschel @franzpoeschel, A Huebl @ax3l
- status:
- implemented: ADIOS1, ADIOS2, HDF5 and JSON for base standard (1.0.0-1.1.0)
- supersedes our legacy C++ library:
- libSplash (TU Dresden/HZDR, Germany)
- domain: high-level C++ HDF5 library for mesh and particle records
- repository (LGPLv3+)
- maintainers: F Schmitt @f-schmitt-zih, A Huebl @ax3l
- status:
- 1.4.0+: full API available to fulfill the standard (read+write)
- libSplash (TU Dresden/HZDR, Germany)
Fortran openPMD writer (UCLA, USA)
- domain: Fortran 2003 HDF5 File Writers in openPMD Standard
- repository (UCLA-NC)
- maintainer: Weiming An @caozigao
- status: openPMD 1.0 implemented
- domain: A Python Module + LabView bindings for Storing CCD Images with openPMD
- repository (BSD-3-Clause-LBNL)
- maintainers: A Huebl @ax3l, Anthony Gonsalves @ag6520
- status:
- implemented: HDF5 for base standard (1.0.0-1.1.0)
HDF5 (
third party
)- domain: libraries for reading & writing the HDF5 format C/C++/Fortran
- maintainer: HDF Group
ADIOS (ORNL, United States;
third party
)- domain: libraries for reading & writing the HDF5 format C/C++/Fortran/Java/Python
- repository (BSD-3-Clause-DOE)
- maintainers: N Podhorszki @pnobert, S Klasky @sklasky at al.
h5py (
third party
)- domain: python bindings for HDF5
- repository
- maintainer: A Collette @andrewcollette et al.
Please be aware that all existing tools for general file handling (HDF5, ADIOS, ...) are also usable with openPMD flavoured files!
A non-complete list of third party software for your consideration:
openPMD-validator (HZDR, LBNL)
- domain: scripts and python module to validate files according to the
openPMD standard
- repository (ISC)
- maintainers: A Huebl @ax3l, R Lehe @RemiLehe
- status: implemented (base standard + ED-PIC)
- domain: scripts and python module to validate files according to the
openPMD-updater (HZDR, LBNL)
- domain: scripts and python module to update openPMD files to newer versions of the
openPMD standard
- repository (ISC)
- maintainers: A Huebl @ax3l, R Lehe @RemiLehe
- status: currently implementing update routines for openPMD 1.0/1.1 to (upcoming) openPMD 2.0
- domain: scripts and python module to update openPMD files to newer versions of the
- domain: copy converters from and to openPMD, e.g. for tools/frameworks/applications without native openPMD support
- repository
- maintainers: various
openPMD-resampler (ELI-NP)
- domain: Particle down-sampling and phase space visualization tools for post-processing in GEANT4/GPT/Wake-T etc.
- repository
- maintainers: A Berceanu @berceanu
HDF Compass (HDF Group;
third party
)- domain: viewer for HDF5 and related formats
- repository (BSD-3-Clause-HDF)
- development repository (our fork for ADIOS support)
- maintainer: HDF Group (HZDR: ADIOS reader contribution by @michaelsippel)
- status: HZDR implemented an ADIOS reader
HDFView (HDF Group;
third party
)- domain: viewer for HDF5
- maintainer: HDF Group
- download (BSD-3-Clause-HDF)
HDF5 command line tools (HDF Group;
third party
)- domain: HDF5 file handling
- maintainer: HDF Group
- examples:
, ...
ADIOS command line tools (ORNL, United States;
third party
)- domain: ADIOS file handling
- maintainers: N Podhorszki @pnorbert, S Klasky @sklasky et al.
- examples:
, ...
png2gas (HZDR, Germany)
- domain: convert a 2D png image into a 3D density profile, useful for particle-in-cell simulations
- repository (GPLv3+)
- maintainer: originally by PIConGPU team
- status: needs adjustments for openPMD 1.0.0