Copyright (c) 2015 Open Communications Security. All rights reserved.
The OpenCS Binary-to-Text library for Java (ocsbincodec-java) is a customizable library capable of encode and decode binary values to plain text using multiple standard and non-standard encodings schemes.
This library was designed to be as flexible as possible. This means that the implementations in this library will always favor flexibility first.
- 1.0.1:
- Documentation updated
- A few fixes in unit-tests
- Method became public;
- Method became public;
- 1.0.0:
- First public version
- Multiple Binary-to-Text encondings
- Binary (customizeble)
- Hexadecimal (RFC4648, customizable)
- Base32 (RFC4648, customizable)
- Base64 (RFC4648, customizable)
- Custom alphabets
- Uniform interface for all encoders/decoders
- Compatible with Java 1.6 and higher (including Android API)
For compatibility with Java 1.4, look for the branch java-1.4 of this project's repository.
This software is released under the Modified BSD License.
Yes. Just follow the license restrictions.