Releases: opendocument-app/wvWare-Android
Releases · opendocument-app/wvWare-Android
wvWare-Android v1.2.11
wvWare-Android is now part of OpenDocument App
wvWare-Android v1.2.10
Maintenance update
Project built with conan instead of using ndkports.
wvWare-Android v1.2.9
Removed dependency-builder, using ndkports instead.
Built with NDK 26, which requires raising minSdk to 21 (Android 5 - Lollipop).
wvWare-Android v1.2.8
- Update NDK to 23.2.8568313 (last to support sdk level 16)
- Remove deprecated NoForking mode
wvWare-Android v1.2.7
Built with shared C++ STL (NDK 23.1)
Updated dependencies:
- FreeType-2.12.1
- GLib-2.72.1
- libffi-3.4.2
- libgsf-1.14.49
- libxml2-2.9.14
- proxy-libintl-0.4.1
wvWare-Android v1.2.6
- Updated licenses
- Signed sample app
wvWare-Android v1.2.5
Distribute the library through MavenCentral
wvWare-Android v1.2.4
When opening encrypted doc's, throw PasswordRequiredException when no password supplied and WrongPasswordException when supplied password is wrong.
wvWare-Android v1.2.3
Embed images in html. For images to wor they need to be extracted successfully first. That rarely happens... some issue in wvWare.
Expose noGraphicsMode.
Fix crash when converting multiple times ( 789c714 ).
wvWare-Android v1.2.2
Convert documents without forking