Release 0.7.1
A minor release adding new options for additional constraints, modelling assumptions and plotting.
Added features
- Two extra functionalities were introduced in order to apply constraints concerning a minimal share of renewable energy and a global upper bound for grid expansion. You can activate these functions in the 'args' of the etrago() function.
- The branch_capacity_factor can now be defined separately for the high and extra high voltage level in order to address the (n-1) criteria more accurately.
- There are some more plotting functions e.g. plotting the state-of-charge and dispatch of storage units.
- Storage capacities in foreign countries can easily be be optimized.
- By default the maximum expansion of each line and transformer is set to four times its original capacity. Being an argument of the extendable() function it can be easily adjusted.
- k-means clustered results can now also be exported to the oedb.