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API Overview

When a request is made to the /api/email/upload-email endpoint, the emailController:

  1. Generates a zero-knowledge proof using the Circom circuit.
  2. Uploads the proof and extracted variables as a JSON to IPFS.
  3. Posts the IPFS CID to the blockchain.
  4. Returns the proof, CID, and blockchain tx hash to the client.

Example API Call

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/email/upload-email \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"file": ""}'

File Descriptions


Purpose: Defines the API endpoints related to email processing. What it Does: Maps the /upload-email POST route to the processEmail function in the emailController. This route is used to handle incoming requests for processing and uploading emails to IPFS, generating proofs, and sending emails.


Purpose: Encapsulates the logic for interacting with IPFS. What it Does: Defines a function uploadFile that takes a file buffer, uploads it to IPFS, and returns the resulting IPFS hash (a unique identifier for the stored file).


Purpose: Handles email-related operations, like sending emails. What it Does: Sets up a nodemailer transporter using configuration from .env. Defines a function sendEmail to send an email with the specified recipient, subject, and content. src/services/circomService.js Purpose: Manages the interaction with Circom for generating zero-knowledge proofs. What it Does: Defines a function generateProof that takes an input object (in this case, it could be an IPFS hash), runs it through a Circom circuit using SnarkJS, and returns the proof and public signals.


Purpose: Manages Ethereum blockchain interactions, such as sending transactions and reading on-chain data. What it Does: Initializes an ethers.js provider and wallet using the Ethereum private key and RPC URL from the configuration. Defines a function sendTransaction to send Ether to a specified address. Defines a function readOnChainData to interact with smart contracts by calling specific methods.


Purpose: Provides functionality for querying a Graph node to retrieve indexed blockchain data. What it Does: Defines a function queryGraph that sends a GraphQL query to a Graph node and returns the response data.


Purpose: Acts as the intermediary between the routes and the services. It orchestrates the logic required to process requests. What it Does: Defines a function processEmail that: Receives the file buffer, recipient email, and subject from the request. Uploads the file to IPFS using ipfsService. Generates a zero-knowledge proof using circomService. Sends an email with the IPFS hash and proof using emailService. Returns a response with the IPFS hash and proof to the client.


Purpose: Centralizes configuration settings, particularly those loaded from environment variables. What it Does: Loads environment variables using dotenv and exports an object containing configuration details (e.g., IPFS API URL, email SMTP settings, Ethereum RPC URL).


Purpose: Sets up and configures the Express application. What it Does: Initializes an Express app. Applies JSON middleware to parse incoming requests. Configures the application to use the routes defined in emailRoutes.js.


Purpose: The main entry point of the application that starts the server. What it Does: Imports the Express app from app.js. Defines the port the application will run on. Starts the Express server and logs that the server is running.


Purpose: Holds the compiled Circom circuits and related files. What it Does: Stores .wasm (compiled Circom circuit) files and .zkey (zero-knowledge key) files needed for proof generation. This directory is referenced by the circomService when generating proofs.

How it All Works Together:


Automating the email to public proof process






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