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Release testing automation

Pau Perez edited this page Nov 6, 2019 · 13 revisions

This document is the outcome of and describes what level of automation has, if any, each test case of the manual release testing in our current automated test suite. This is based on the Testing Handbook v2.

First steps

Check signing up for a customer or a producer

Covered in: spec/features/consumer/authentication_spec.rb:47

It goes into too much detail. The code branches should go into the model test.

Check that the producer account is correctly displayed on the map

Can't find any test. Not even controller tests. Probably because it only renders the view for the index action and the enterprises are injected later on.

Complete your enterprise setting and check that both payment method and shipping method work for stripe and paypal

This needs clarification. What exactly is "compelte your enterprise settings"? checking payment and shipping methods work I assume means placing an order with them?


spec/requests/checkout/stripe_connect_spec.rb: worth reviewing the mocks are up to date. #set_order needs to be reviewed as it uses allow_any_instance.

Covered in: spec/features/consumer/shopping/checkout_spec.rb:160


spec/requests/checkout/paypal_spec.rb: It misses some layers of the stack by manually creating the payment and not going through the controller. This covers the integration with the PayPal API though. If it passes is because the requests was successful.

Products: create, edit (add an image for example), duplicate (check that image is also duplicated), delete

Creation covered in: spec/features/admin/products_spec.rb Duplication covered in: spec/features/admin/bulk_product_update_spec.rb:539 Image deletion covered in: spec/features/admin/products_spec.rb:207 Image addition and update covered in: spec/controllers/api/product_images_controller_spec.rb

Can you create on OC? Does it show in front office? Can you duplicate / edit / delete it? If you delete products do they still appear in the shopfront?

Edit OC covered in: spec/features/admin/order_cycles_spec.rb:273,416,491,512,799 Creation of OC covered in: spec/features/admin/order_cycles_spec.rb:705 Cloning OC covered in: spec/features/admin/order_cycles_spec.rb:574,826 Simplified UI for enterprises selling their produce covered in: spec/features/admin/order_cycles_spec.rb:972

Probably some of these tests go into too much detail.

Not sure about "If you delete products do they still appear in the shopfront?" needs more investigation.


Select an open shop and add item to the cart

Covered in: spec/features/consumer/shopping/shopping_spec.rb:289

Press continue

Covered in: spec/support/request/shop_workflow.rb:4. Although that method is only used in spec/features/consumer/shopping/embedded_shopfronts_spec.rb and spec/features/consumer/shopping/variant_overrides_spec.rb

See your cart, but go back “continue shopping” in order to add another product

Not covered although various tests visit that URL like spec/features/consumer/shopping/shopping_spec.rb:269

Delete one of the first product you’ve added on the cart and change the quantity on another one

Covered in: spec/features/consumer/shopping/shopping_spec.rb:276

Proceed to checkout, and login

Login covered in: spec/features/consumer/authentication.rb Login at checkout covered in: spec/features/consumer/shopping/checkout_auth_spec.rb

Not sure about a test covering the "proceed to checkout" button works.

Select delivery and cash payment option (repeat for stripe, paypal and cash)

Shipping methods covered in: spec/features/consumer/shopping/checkout_spec.rb:247 Payment methods covered in: spec/features/consumer/shopping/checkout_spec.rb:317

Check above for Stripe and PayPal integration tests.

Check you get a confirmation and a confirmation email

Covered in: spec/features/consumer/shopping/checkout_spec.rb:148,317

To actually ensure we get the email two Datadog monitors have been enabled:,

Check your order is appearing correctly in /admin/orders

Covered in: spec/features/admin/orders_spec.rb

We don't check it's the outcome of a checkout but it's fine.

Order for producer: can you see it? Can you filter on the page? Can you ship it? Can you capture payments? Can you create an order as an admin?

Customers : add a customer and edit its credentials afterwards

Adding a customer covered in spec/features/admin/customers_spec.rb:286 Editing a customer covered in spec/features/admin/customers_spec.rb:96. Excludes billing and shipping address.

Bulk Order Management

Specs in spec/features/admin/bulk_order_management_spec.rb:33,85 are better as view or controller specs.

Make several order for an ongoing OC, but for the same product

These are done as part of the setup phase of the following tests.

Login with super admin (and/or the producer / shop where you put the orders)

Logged in as the admin in almost all the tests below.

Go to /admin/orders/bulk_management

Covered in: spec/features/admin/bulk_order_management_spec.rb:17

Are you able to change weight and was the order total recalculated accordingly?

Covered in: spec/features/admin/bulk_order_management_spec.rb:190

Are you able to change quantity and was the order total recalculated accordingly ?

Covered in: spec/features/admin/bulk_order_management_spec.rb:208

Are you able to cancel an order

As a consumer of a shop, covered in: spec/features/consumer/shopping/orders_spec.rb:177

No other scenarios seem to be covered.

Are you able to add columns?

Covered in almost all tests in spec/features/consumer/shopping/orders_spec.rb using AdminHelper#toggle_columns.

Are you able to search for a product?

Not a product but an email

Covered in: spec/features/admin/bulk_order_management_spec.rb:434

Are you able to change the dates and see results accordingly?

Covered in: spec/features/admin/bulk_order_management_spec.rb:445


Can enable from superadmin?

Covered in: spec/features/admin/enterprises_spec.rb:178,207

Can create schedule?

Covered in: spec/features/admin/schedules_spec.rb:21

Can trigger subs?

Partically covered in: spec/jobs/subscription_placement_job_spec.rb:41

To actually ensure the job is triggered when configured in config/schedule.rb we enabled two Datadog monitors to alert us:,

Get emails?

Covered by spec/lib/open_food_network/subscription_summarizer_spec.rb:92,108 and spec/mailers/subscription_mailer_spec.rb

Out of stock messaging works?

Covered in: spec/mailers/subscription_mailer_spec.rb:26

Editing sub, pausing sub?

Covered in: spec/features/admin/subscriptions_spec.rb:28


Override price

Covered in: spec/features/admin/variant_overrides_spec.rb:136

Override stock levels

Covered in: spec/features/admin/variant_overrides_spec.rb:136

Check that override don't have an effect on the producer stock level

Does not seem to be covered. Not even in the controller tests, where it makes sense.

Reset stock levels

Covered in: spec/features/admin/variant_overrides_spec.rb:323


Orders and fulfillment reports

Covered in: spec/features/admin/reports_spec.rb:239

Packing reports

Briefly covered in: spec/features/admin/reports/packing_report_spec.rb:19


Too briefly covered in: spec/features/admin/reports_spec.rb:34 Pretty decent unit test coverage in spec/lib/open_food_network/customers_report_spec.rb.


Covered in: spec/features/admin/reports_spec.rb:390

Sales tax

Covered in: spec/features/admin/reports_spec.rb:178

Other things

Sitemap test

spec/features/consumer/sitemap_spec.rb should be route and view tests perhaps. We don't need to boot a browser to check that.


Isn't this duplicating existing tests?

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