Intension was to develop a shield which provides enough possibilities to develop hobby machines and applications for laser, e.g. SLA printer or laser etching.
- Based on a Teensy 3.6 MCU
- 16 bit DAC
- DAC is easy to control by just setting the voltage on a channel (X/Y axis)
- Support for 3 endstops
- Pololu driver for Z-axis (upgrade to TMC2130 planned)
- Comes with small example code
You can either use the Eagle files to create the PCP by yourself, send the Gerber files to your favorite PCB builder or order a PCB (naked, without parts or with soldered parts ready to use with your Teensy 3.6) from us. For ordering the PCB instructions will be published at a later time
Credits goes to LaserLance who inspried this project with his publication under